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Everything posted by DJT

  1. I don’t disagree that they need to change their message. They certainly do. Trump won in 2016 for a reason. Populism is, well, popular. I just believe winning elections will come down to who is better at harvesting ballots and convincing people to vote early, more than anything else.
  2. Are you sure it wasn’t just AI? I read some comments on Yahoo saying the Biden threatening Ukraine video was just a deepfake, and it wasn’t just one person saying it. It was upvoted hundreds of times with dozens of replies in agreement.
  3. I don’t think that’s it at all, with Republicans winning future elections. The GOP’s reluctance to drive early voting and ballot harvesting in 2018, 2020 and 2022, cost them greatly, so they already committed to doing so in 2024. If they get to the Hispanic population before the democrats, it will be a red tsunami, and we will be seeing a call to limit early voting soon thereafter.
  4. The republicans will say he said one thing, and the democrats will say he said something else, but, in reality, they’re just sitting in a room together, smoking cigars and blowing rails while joking about how stupid voters are for not catching on to their act. One hand washes the other in DC.
  5. I bet you’re a real blast at parties…
  6. They must have a green card. Again, I said the bigger issue is with police officers not even needing to be permanent residents on a path to becoming citizens.
  7. … now let’s see what happens if one of the wolf packs starts giving away free food and shelter to any wolf, no questions asked.
  8. I listened to the Yuval Noah Harari Lex Fridman podcast that Azerbaijan news article in the photo is talking about (this wasn’t said at the WEF). I’m not even sure it’s justified to say they took him out of context in the article, either, because it’s not even close to what he said. He was just saying when looking at it from a systems perspective, it’s ridiculous to think such a small Kabal of people could control the whole world and all its happenings, because the world is so complex now. He said it amounts to scapegoating (like Hitler did with the Jews) instead of looking at problems and working toward solutions. What’s weird is the Azerbaijani article attacks Yuval as he’s sticking up for Palestinians in Israel right now, but Muslims still just see him as a Jew.
  9. Especially when the progressives pass the gun law making it illegal to break gun laws.
  10. To whom is their allegiance if they haven’t even put in the effort to become a permanent resident, a step toward citizenship? If “trust in police” is an issue now, where will it be when American citizens are being arrested by non-resident immigrants and foreign nationals? The appearance of a problem, just like the appearance of corruption, is the same as if it actually existed. What happens when enclaves of immigrants elect a non-citizen sheriff who in turn only hires non-citizen deputies and runs the office in a manner not consistent with our country’s norms and standards? It’s already happening with city councils.
  11. I think the bigger problem is certain states don’t even require them to be permanent residents (green card holders) anymore.
  12. First time mowing since the week before Memorial Day… If global warming means I don’t have to mow 2-3 times/week like I did last summer, I’ll start burning tires in my fire pit.
  13. Like I said, I was quoting several news articles, and I’m not going to dig through federal statutes to see where that’s coming from, if from anywhere at all… maybe that’s my fault for trusting any news… we should all know better by now.
  14. First thing that pops in my head… She put the lime on the porkachop … and now that song will be in my head the whole time I’m mowing lawn
  15. “Hey, we ran out of burger patties. What should I do?” ”Just throw a couple extra slices of onion on there. He’ll never notice.”
  16. I was going to post that last night on the nutty ‘murica (though not America) thread but fell asleep!
  17. We’re getting really terrible at staying on topic on these threads… we should probably just have one thread and post everything on it like some sort of stream of consciousness exercise.
  18. You’re citing one blog… which only says that it is up to the individual agencies in certain states. There are a dozen articles in a quick search that refer to it being federal law for all police officers and sheriffs to be citizens, so who is wrong? I don’t know, and I’m not going to dig through statutes. Either way, IL isn’t even requiring the applicant to be a permanent resident (green card holder), like most of the other states allowing non-citizens to apply. https://www.mystateline.com/news/local-news/bill-to-allow-noncitizens-to-become-illinois-police-officers-heads-to-governors-desk/amp/ https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/illinois-legislation-would-allow-non-u-s-citizens-to-become-police-officers/
  19. Federal law requires all law enforcement officers and sheriffs to be citizens. (Not on visa, not green card holders, but citizens, natural or via passing citizenship test). California, Colorado and now Illinois have laws circumventing that requirement.
  20. The U visa is not just for people “brought here against their will.” Sure, kidnapping could be the necessary crime, as are being beaten, robbed, defrauded, raped, etc. by a trafficker/ smuggling ring. So many people have applied for the U Visa that it’d take 17 years to approve all of them (10,000/year), so work authorization is granted without the U visa being approved if the petition is complete. This is a major loophole that illegals have been attempting to exploit for over 20 years, so law enforcement agencies have cracked down on it by not certifying that the petitioner is a victim and/or aiding in an investigation, even when they are. Either way, Illinois’ law should be challenged in federal court, and I expect it will be. More stupid Illinois news: Illinois gave away $5.2B in fraudulent unemployment (a lot to dead people and inmates) during Covid, with $3.2B of that being federal money. Also, Dick being a dick:
  21. Speaking of other stupid Illinois stuff, Chicago has these yellow vest wearing “peace keepers” this summer, and so far at least one has been arrested for robbery and battery (while wearing the vest) and another got shot last weekend, which was retaliation for an earlier shooting (by the peace keeper)… Oh, and said peace keeper was on electronic monitoring for a felony weapons charge.
  22. U visas are given to undocumented immigrants (illegal immigrants). It allows them to work for 4 years and can get an extension or a green card after 3 years.
  23. I don’t think that even needs to be said at this point. The travesty is nobody will be held responsible.
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