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Everything posted by Sheerstress

  1. In the past, I drove by Bakersfield when going to job sites, but this Sunday was my first time on the CSB campus. The Icardo center was a very dark and drab arena, contrary to what many people probably saw on video - the cameras greatly enhanced the brightness. The CSB fans said that their meets had always been in this building. I remember reading back in the 1980s that on an extremely limited budget, Joe Seay managed to turn Bakersfield into a national power while running practices in a converted science lab and on a single mat.
  2. If they'd be willing to have a non-OSU person come in, could they ever persuade Casey Cunningham to take the job? He's a huge part of Penn State's dynasty, would be able to bring a strong international program, and in the past, OSU has not had problems offering top dollar to try to get good coaches (back in the 1980s, they offered Dan Gable $3 million to leave Iowa).
  3. I recall that story as well, although I think over the years, Gable's philosophy changed such that he realized that it was healthy for an athlete to have other interests in their lives besides wrestling, even if wrestling was to be the main focus during their prime years. As for the internet era, one of the things about Gable was that he was very adaptable and always willing to try new things to gain an advantage. So he would have definitely worked it to his favor.
  4. As of now: 125: McHenry appears to have the spot, although watching him, he doesn't appear to be 100% healthy, and injury defaulted to eighth place at Vegas this past week. 133: Ragusin appears solid. Semifinal match against McGee was much closer than the match during the pandemic a few years ago. 141: In spite of getting stuck in the quarters, Cole Mattin looking solid, and always comes to compete. 149: Lamer overall looking solid against top competition despite losses to Parco and Arrington. 157: Lewan good, hopefully injury not severe. 165: Amine back by January 174: Walker getting used to being on stage. 184: Finesilver looking good against most competition, still struggles against the best. 197: This might be a problem. Striggow and Bullock both out with knee injuries, and Yatooma had to withdraw from Vegas this past weekend. That would leave Cummings and Trost as the last options. Stay tuned. HWT: Parris is the man. They brought Jenkins to Vegas to be his workout partner; hopefully he's learning things fast.
  5. He's recovering from elbow surgery, and is actually good right now, but they're holding him out until the beginning of the year.
  6. Most successful collegiate wrestler would be Mark Churella Sr. Most successful post-collegians would probably be Steve Fraser and Joe Warren.
  7. Yes, they made that adjustment back in the 1996-97 season. At that time, and perhaps for the next few years, you could say that a lot of 125 pounders were previous 118 pounders who had nowhere to go but up. But since then, the 125 pound class has filled up with athletes who are more natural to the weight, and who would have wrestled at 126 pounds under the old classifications. Smaller guys who would have been better at 118 simply don't place as high.
  8. I get what you're saying, but disagree. Big difference between 118 and 125. The list should be restricted to guys who won their titles at the old 126 pound class and the more modern 125 pound class. MAYBE add in the 123 class that was used from 1952 to 1970.
  9. Ricky Bonomo, a 3-time champ back in the 1980s for Bloomsburg, was absolutely one of the greatest, but his titles were at 118 pounds.
  10. Maybe if you have an underclassman narrowly beating out a fifth-year senior, but you redshirt the underclassman so as not to waste the senior's final year of eligibility.
  11. Chance has only had a few matches thus far, and no high profile opponents. That will change in two weeks in Vegas.
  12. 197: Shaw dec. Bullock 3-2 HWT: Parris pin. Whitman (2:30) 125: Wagner dec. Medley 5-4 133: Ragusin TF Hernandez 20-5 Final dual score: Michigan 23 - North Carolina 12
  13. So far: 141: C. Mattin dec. McNeil 9-3 149: Lamer dec. Nini 6-3 157: Lewan dec. Bailey 3-2 165: Mazzara dec. Z. Mattin 7-3 174: Lautt dec Taylor 4-1 184: Finesilver dec. Kane 4-0 Michigan up 12-6 over North Carolina.
  14. Meet started at 141. Wins at 141 - 157. Zach Mattin dropped a decision at 165. Maylor starting up against Lautt.
  15. Personally I would want it for that reason, although probably very unlikely to happen.
  16. When I did it (early 2000s), we didn't need any kind of license. Start off by finding a local officials' organization. Usually run by veterans, they often have their own workshops or officials' tournaments for those who are just starting out. This will provide a place where you can get regular feedback and answers to the many questions you will have, and can then connect you to kids level tournaments or other venues from which you can work your way up.
  17. I officiated middle school and high school for a few years. It can be a nice way to give back to wrestling, although it's often a thankless job that can wear you down over time. I enjoyed it for a while, and then got out after it just wasn't fun anymore. Years ago at nationals, when speaking with Dan Gable at the WIN show, I told him that I had been involved in wrestling as a competitor and then as an official, his first words to me were: "you guys can't win!"
  18. My guess is that they'll probably settle it over the next few weeks before Vegas. These are two guys who work out against each other every day and know each others' moves, so they'll probably have a few more chess matches in the practice room to decide things. Nobody wrestles their best at this point in the season, but McHenry, while starting strong in each match, appeared visibly exhausted against all opponents by the second period. He seems to be a classic case of too small for 125. Medley wrestled reasonably well with a full gas tank, but didn't quite close the gap in the third period like he has so many times in the past.
  19. Feels like there was almost no interruption.
  20. Ira Jenkins wins HWT Fresh/Soph. Mattin wins 141 Open.
  21. Rylan "Roger" wins the tiny 184 Fresh/Soph division. A good start.
  22. Cole Mattin looking good so far. Ahead against D'Emilio before winning by injury default.
  23. McHenry edges Medley 5-4. As before, McHenry starts out strong with better moves, but Medley cuts the gap with his superior gas tank before falling short.
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