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Everything posted by KennyEBHS

  1. That is a huge anecdotal leap and not valid. I started the post and I agreed with the kneeling football players. So please don't speculate on something you know nothing about.
  2. Yes, finally someone who gets it. This is not about free speech. Of course Brooks or anyone else can say what he wants and I don't have to listen. But the interviews should be about the sport. And I have stopped listening to Brook's interviews. I just had no idea that Greg Kerkvliet was going to launch into a Brooks-type interview. I will make it a point not to listen to his interviews in the future.
  3. Oh, please. This is about people pushing faith during interviews. But as usual posts on this site get completely distorted and lose the purpose. Honestly, it is impossible to have an intelligent conversation on this site!
  4. I am fine with that. a single leg and a double leg are not about Jesus!
  5. He has not earned the right to tell the general fan population how things are in the spiritual world. I still say it is a PERSONAL issue.
  6. Well, it is my post. But here is the thing. Bo NIckal got it right. He started down the religious interview path, but must have realized it was not popular because you will never hear him talk about Jesus again. It is about someone trying to tell me how things are and I do not believe a college wrestler has earned that right quite yet.
  7. I believe religion is a private place for people. I want to hear about the match, not their religion.
  8. I am a PSU fan, but I am done with the PSU athletes trying to tell us about religion. And when they say that "none of this matters," then why are we watching?
  9. Let's get used to the 3-point takedown before we make any more global changes to folk style.
  10. I stopped watching them when Ben joined. Just not enough wrestling talk. Mostly inside stuff as another commenter said earlier. It used to be a good show when it was under an hour and no Ben Askren.
  11. Honestly, the match flowed so much better without review. Calls rarely change anyway.
  12. This is anecdotal at best, but I have noticed since Cael began talking about his wrestlers having fun, which guys like Taylor and NIckal emphasized, I have heard college football players and even some Iowa wrestlers saying it now. Thirty years ago, no one talked about having fun. Grit was the language of sports back then. I wonder if everyone who says they are having fun now are really having fun? Thoughts?
  13. Just watched "American Wrestler: The Wizard. Very enjoyable movie. It shows how small wrestling was in CA back in the late sixties into the seventies. Acting was very good. The wrestling scenes were pretty well done. I recommend it. I watched it on iTunes movies for $2.99.
  14. He has really matured. He handled that match just as a mature athlete should.
  15. Joseph - Martinez, first NCAA championship for Joseph
  16. There needs to be some consistency in how the perimeters are set up. I don't like the fact that a person with long legs can move his foot off the mat. That needs to be fixed. Have secondary mats at least three feet around the official mat.
  17. Not trolling. I watched some of the top wrestlers and the matches were too predictable. Nobody new really making an impact.
  18. I thought the tournament was largely boring. Agree? Most of the wrestlers not not top tier.
  19. I agree with you. Pyles is very good for the sport and I also do not understand the anti-sentiment.
  20. I disagree. That's for the color guy. Yesterday it was David Taylor. Pyles is the play-by-play!
  21. What exactly does that mean? He calls the matches like a play-by-play announcer
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