He goes by Jon Jon to friends and family. I absolutely hate this for him. From being a 1 time North Carolina state champion to a guy competing with the best in the country every year. His development has been a joy to watch.
Unfortunately I made them and have to live with it LOL. However, I explained the situation to my wife this morning and she had a good laugh at my expense. She said I can borrow her favorite State sweatshirt if I want to join the fan club.
Legitimately didn't know this. Damn lol. I have a 2 year old and 2 month old so wrestling viewing time this year has been tremendously down outside of UNC and the ACC
Joking aside, Caleb has worked a couple of camps with schools I've helped coach and he's such a good dude. Great with kids and really selfless. Milner too. I hope they both AA this year.
Idea for next year (if format is the same) can we do our usernames horizontally and weights vertically? It would be easier to see our squad going down
Not a complaint at all though, really appreciate Lu setting this up