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Everything posted by goheels1812

  1. If that’s the case I hope Spencers mom brought multiple sets of backup glasses. She might really start going through them.
  2. That was a weird match for Hendrickson. I know Kerk is a great wrestler, but Hendrickson just felt lifeless once he got on bottom.
  3. My biggest hope for tomorrow is if Nino wins he looks at the camera and goes full Ricky Bobby “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with my hands” on us.
  4. Nino is a pretty damn good and by all accounts a really quirky guy. Love unique guys that aren’t cookie cutter.
  5. Maybe that’s why his mom broke her glasses. Now she has to call a shirt manufacturer and see what kind of refund plan they offer.
  6. Spencer sacrificed himself for a Nelson Brands pin. That’s gotta be it.
  7. Keck is a good dude. Really nice interview there.
  8. I’ve watched him wrestle a ton in the ACC, he genuinely just doesn’t have many leg attacks. He’s either throwing or relying on his opponent to shoot so he can get in position for a weird scramble. It’s a major deficiency in his arsenal because when he needs a controlled takedown it’s just not there (against good wrestlers).
  9. Hidlay continuing not to take any risks when he’s going to lose anyways is laugh out loud funny.
  10. Feels like these guys have wrestled 100 times in their career and it always gets ugly for Scott. Until the NCAA tournament, when Scott decides to stick him.
  11. Admittedly, I do wish the team overall was better. We’ve had a lot of the same holes in our lineup for a while now and this year the team was less competitive than it’s even been in his tenure. But I can’t deny how he prepares them for March. Our guys show up ready to scrap and always perform well. And we get treated to some wild upsets (Monday over Lavallee, Ness over Shakur Rasheed, Clark over Eierman last year, etc.)
  12. 3 All americans for UNC and they showed up with 5 wrestlers. All 5 wrestlers wrestled at or above their seed. Coleman gets it done in March.
  13. Vito is DOMINATING fix. Man I love session 4 every year.
  14. Hey guys, just got home and turned it on for 133. Did I miss anything?
  15. Hendrickson is by far my favorite non UNC wrestler to watch this year. That guy just lays it on the line every match without a care in the world. He’s the Bryce Andonian of heavyweights, without the same recognition for how explosive he is.
  16. When Brooks wrestles Hidlay, every time he looks down and sees the boundary he needs to jog back to the center. Force the refs hand and don’t let Hidlay wrestle the entire 7 minutes on the boundary.
  17. Good showing there from O’Connor. He’s just so good at everything he does. Lewan couldn’t ever get anything going.
  18. Matthews wrestles more like Dean Heil than Dean Heil wrestled like Dean Heil lol
  19. Nothing personal to Cole Matthews in the slightest, but I’m so glad I don’t have to watch him in the ACC anymore after this year. Every single one of his matches looks like that to an extent.
  20. For a guy whose background is so freestyle heavy, it’s shocked me how good on top he is.
  21. Challenges seem to be taking forever this year. I might be misremembering, but I don’t seem to remember them taking this long in the past…
  22. Cole Matthews is the second coming of Dean Heil.
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