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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. Pretty sure not going to school for a full year at that age is illegal. Letting your 11/12/13 year old kid video game all night is not remotely near what would be considered good parenting. If the parents worked who was watching him? Who lets their kid play video games all night. Completely irresponsible.
  2. I would be ashamed if I didn’t go to school for a year to get bigger for sports. Someone earlier said. I don’t see the advantage he gains from doing this. He literally sat out a year to get bigger lol. Maybe this guy should have been involved https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/truant officer
  3. Did they dig into the past or did he say words for them on a video? that seems like criminal behavior on the parents though. To small for 106. Wow. For the record I didn’t see the vid before posting the link. I thought it was click bait nonsense especially that very poorly written headline.
  4. https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/10415250-roman-bravo-young-did-8th-grade-twice-didnt-go-to-school-for-a-whole-year
  5. Prolly true. How do you police it. You can’t. As a business owner if I wanna take a $x loss and not have a chance to recoup it then they risk my very business. It’s not policeable from that “smell test” perspective. Proving nil value is about as subjective as it gets. But still. 83% or more of posters say school xyz is paying out nil. They are not. External third parties are.
  6. Is part of the deal showing nil value ? I didn’t think it was. So that’s not relevant or is it? Either way the schools are not paying nil…. Third parties are. And let’s not pretend it isn’t happening everywhere including psu. Isn’t like 50% of psu’s lineup transfers. nil will ruin college sports as we know it. But good old supply and demand will eventually regulate it. The sports that make $$$$ won’t be ground into oblivion or else the money train will dry up. It’s the smaller sports that are in bigger jeopardy.
  7. Isn’t the problem that the school is literally not paying any nil. It’s third party external people/businesses etc. How do you penalize a school if some business owner pays more nil money in a bigger market vs small. for the record. Nil is / will ruin smaller schools. But …. Without eliminating or banning nil…. It is what it is ?
  8. Yes attendance (viewership) does not equal $$$. And $$$ does not equal tv coverage and/or streaming coverage. Fringe sports need fans Or they will not be as accessible. When the finals of wtt / ott / us open are on ESPN during prime time on a weekend give me a ring. mm didn’t even get a first period takedown in his ncaa finals match fwiw
  9. Freestyle rules are weird. If messenbrink wrestled messenbrink who would get called for stalling in the first period. Stupid rule imo. show me attendance at wtt / ott / us open vs NCAAs. One sport is clearly superior for fans…. The other one not as much. Please don’t turn us to freestyle cause the sport will be dead.
  10. Pay your debts. Kerk is a transfer too. I know it doesn’t fit the narrative but: https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/6606848-greg-kerkvliet-to-transfer-to-penn-state messenbrink also transferred
  11. Yes. I think it’s nuanced. But every rule changed (probably not every) gets exploited. It was called correctly in the past. We don’t need 5000 new rules to enforce this. Refs just need to enforce it. Why they called it like crazy 10/15/20 years ago and not now is insane.
  12. This topic isn’t a dead horse. You are an Iowa hater right ?
  13. He’s got another recent one where he is showing himself fight during that dual….. forgot who but we’ve all seen that fight. He’s clearly not understanding what a tool bag he is perceived to be.
  14. Carr took two shots in like 2 seconds. Got hit for stalling 3 seconds later with the ref sort of looking away https://www.facebook.com/share/r/F4U17LCSuVnx1cUc/?mibextid=UalRPS
  15. Kelly spladled me far too often lol. Please. Please take my left leg he said lol. Or my right one. Either is fine ha
  16. I came here to say. Bill kelly’s was the best. Praise to Kcmo. He was a bad man. Mr bill Kelly.
  17. Was Cstar really that dominant? In this category at least. He Only has a 20% bonus rate at the ncaa tournament. Mm has 3 bonus wins already. Will catch Cstar next year. Cstar only has 4 bonus wins at NCAAs. Including 6 shutout (hours of riding time with few if any turns) wins. 30% of his wins are like 2-0 or 4-0. True frosh kasak already has more career bonus wins at NCAAs (5) compared to Cstar.
  18. This …. Or something like this is what’s behind this. Imo at least.
  19. Not bashing. I’m confused. The guy who never ever stops attacking because his gas tank is the biggest tank in the land. This is the kid that didn’t attack for 50 seconds because he was waiting for overtime? Not buying 100% of what you’re selling. Maybe the last 5-10 seconds but not the last 50. In the ncaa finals no doubt. I’ll shave 14% of the time off of the match
  20. Love the post. I asked a few times this in the main thread. He seems to not be truthful here. But whatever. Gutsy win. Feels like #wwe #mma stuff. Gotta build a brand. Right ? Blue glasses peeps won’t agree although. All that pee on the kids grave maybe. Imagine a Hawkeye tweeting about pissing on some kids grave lol World would end. Brands would need to be executed by firing squad.
  21. The pool of limited smart people limits the wrestling pool then can recruit from. No? also. The ivys themself aren’t putting up the $. Nor are the colleges ( non ivy ones ) its external parties. Right ?
  22. Portal is terrible. Way worse for Ivy level schools. The pool of kids they can get is much smaller than the rest of the colleges.
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