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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. That’s not the way he said it … quote from the article. I think he was “growing the sport” when he came up with that line lol: Brooks explained. “You can only get that through him, it will be spread only through him. No false prophets, no Muhammad nor anyone else. Only Jesus Christ himself.”
  2. You sure can. And there is no need to answer that way on national tv. Bla bla glory be … thanks to my coaches… teammates …. My faith ……. That’s the answer. This video would do you some good.
  3. Correct. I didn’t count brooks in the math though. Point was only 1 (desanto) were wore the black and gold. several news outlets picked up brooks poor choice of worlds. Hope he doesn’t want a job in corporate America. Hard to explain that away in an interview https://www.foxnews.com/sports/ncaa-wrestler-comes-under-fire-suggesting-muhammad-false-prophet-professing-belief-christ.amp https://deadspin.com/aaron-brooks-penn-state-islam-1850245650 https://www.pennlive.com/pennstate/2023/03/penn-state-wrestling-champ-under-fire-for-comments-disparaging-islamic-prophet-muhammad.html?outputType=amp https://news.yahoo.com/wrestler-condemned-unacceptable-air-comments-212809881.html
  4. I agree. A what Bo did was reprehensible. We can agree on something.
  5. He learned it from Bo Nickal.
  6. Best video of the incident I’ve seen so far. He definitely hits the ref (probably on accident…. But still you can’t do that). You also get to see the splits / double bird. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8CyudVQ/
  7. Two never wrestled for the Hawkeyes. I’m not touching Downey with a 10 foot pole. One made national news for bashing a religion. Those zealots make good husbands I hear.
  8. What happened last year? Did an Iowa wrestler insult 1.8 billion of the world’s religious population on national tv?
  9. Was this during the award ceremony where glazier was getting his trophy ? It wasn’t on the live broadcast but you can hear loud booing when glazier was getting the award… glazier glancing over with a weird look on his face. I found the pic on twitter. I’ll find the whole post edited for twitter post
  10. I’m not defending him. He’s a loon. Look at my other posts.
  11. Which bird ? (Ref did say punch you can hear it on the stream.
  12. Looked more like a slap tbh. Did he graze the ref maybe or on accident ?
  13. Someone said he did the splits while giving the middle finger on the hawks board. I watched the live stream didn’t recall that. Wow ? Possibly a double finger but that right arm is cropped out of the shot. Not a great look….. also he can’t do the splits lol.
  14. Both Ferraris acted like dip shits. You can see the local Iowa fans booing them too…. Before the blue shaded glasses say Iowa fans asked for this or condone this…. And neither performed all that well.
  15. Wearing desanto’s singlet doesn’t add more gas to the gas tank. Apparently.
  16. There are vids on twitter. It was far more tame than folks were making it out to be on the hawks board.
  17. I do know for sure. This board needed another Ferrari thread.
  18. North of 40% of all agriculture workers are illegal immigrants. It may make some kind of a dent.
  19. Never thought I would see the day there are infinitely more genders than races on this planet. who said something about the thread getting locked?
  20. If you had to do it all over again would you cancel 2 midlands? They were more over reactionary than the ncaa. But sure…. It’s Iowa’s fault.
  21. I think it was already in decline. Do you think Iowa/others wouldn’t have bailed for good of NW wasn’t on the wrong side of Covid ?
  22. Fondant. It’s not a Rick roll. Or is it ? They’re easy and amazing https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT89GNbpM/
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