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Everything posted by CHROMEBIRD

  1. Except sports are learning that technology and getting the perfect call doesn't always make them better. Baseball has computers that can flawlessly detect if a pitch is in the strike zone or not. MLB doesn't want it because when they tested out the tech in the minors and it made the games even more boring. Baseball games ran longer and scoring went down.
  2. I went from great in high school to not being the worst one in the room my first 1.5 years in college. I literally couldn't score a point on anyone.
  3. Maybe if we get another multiyear pandemic and everyone is given an extra 3 seasons of eligibility...
  4. It's supposed to be based on the current season foremost with prior championships an ancillary factor, but that would assume that the voting actually follows its own criteria...
  5. I think a case could be made for awarding Parris the Hodge if he wins it all. Impressive body of work this season, he's been competing on another level.
  6. Agree that Gable was more of a sure bet than a not-healthy Spencer but the field is pretty soft at 125. Glory won't make the finals. It'll be somebody like McKee or Cronin getting hot and having a good draw until they run into Lee. My only question is whether 2nd or 3rd period Lee could get out from underneath if a physical wrestler throws in double boots.
  7. I've got KOT but the smart money these days is on someone ducking. Here's hoping the match happens.
  8. But do guys like Starocci affect the team's chemistry? Their personalities don't fit the PSU mold. The last time Cael had "me first" guys who take themselves too seriously in the room was who, Suriano? And look how that turned out.
  9. Did Cass catch Parris with a slow motion Winn Dixie there? Jason Nolf would be either proud or flabbergasted.
  10. If it ain't broke don't fix it. People used to say Kyle Dake was boring too.
  11. Sometime between JO's discipline issues and Chance Marsteller making the local paper for all the wrong reasons.
  12. After rewatching the dual, I am convinced that the match time drama was separate from what was said on Twitter. Starocci was just flexing on social media, nothing more. During introductions, he and DJW shook hands like normal. Same when they shook hands before the match, nothing special. It looked like Starocci got frustrated in-match when DJW took him down and tried to slow down the action. Can't let an opponent get into your head like that.
  13. I actually think a junior year Jordan Oliver would match up better with RBY stylistically. Remember also that a lot of people thought JO should have won with that end of match takedown of Stieber in the finals that year.
  14. That chip on Starocci's shoulder is probably what motivates him. It's not a good look, but more power to him I guess if the crazy talk and wild thoughts work. He's a good wrestler.
  15. The worst thing about DDM is @Jimmy Cinnabon asking dumb offseason questions like this... and us responding. (insert @ionel's shrug emoticon here)
  16. Compare that with the stall call from Kolat vs. Ironside in the 1996 All-Star Classic, at around 5:52. Can you imagine a ref making that call today? With :01 left in the period?
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