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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. "We'll give you the spot after the women's basketball game where one team is up by thirty and the other has all of their timeouts. Well catch up with you somewhere in the middle of the 133lb final. You're welcome." ~ESPN+
  2. I hold you in the highest regard...It was probably the four pages of nonsensical drivel that belongs in a different forum. It's Festivus and I'm, "airing grievances."
  3. You fu ckers are turning this into the Non Wrestling Topic board. FFS quit being cunty... Merry Christmas
  4. @ScribeOld Board. @scribers Not old board. Yes...
  5. Stanford - Streaming on Pac12 Network. WVU - Has ESPN+ listed. Cornell - Has ESPN+ listed. ISU - Has ESPN+ listed.
  6. I believe WKN and I were tied...for the lowest overall.
  7. You're number seven overall in the troll category. Carry on...
  8. Looks like someone finally cleaned their room and got their computer privileges' back...
  9. Also heard mentioned 65 is a tough cut for Hepner. Maybe Wilcox stays and Hepner bumps... Of course, but if he's struggling to win two hours outta the box...He could be in trouble. He was one of my favorite Buckeyes. Just needed a bit more ass. Kilkeary has looked pretty good when I've watched. I've got him AA'ing. I'm fine with Rogotzke RS'ing. I can't see Hoffman or Shumate making much difference for the Buckeyes to be honest.
  10. You don't think Fishback is good? I feel better about it than I did in Aug. Word around, CBUS (FWIW) is that Hepner will be manning 65 soon. He just looks better all around. Agreed. I like that he's busy on the mat. Roller coaster season. Word is the cut is tough on him. He'll need to get that figured out soon. Dual season is upon us. Agreed. He's still a boy wrestling some men. But...125 is an enigma. Good stuff brother. Always appreciated...
  11. You my funny friend and knownotta have the market cornered on giggles...
  12. I ventured in long before you brother. I'm just better at shutting the f u c k up. Perhaps not...
  13. I work with public. I see good, kind, helpful, responsible, law abiding, respectful, etc, etc etc people daily. I just haven't seen their tictocs, instagrams and whatnots... Keep the people afraid.
  14. You'll say about anything for a laughing reaction wont you... "The rich get rich, the poor get children."
  15. I like it as well. How many of our ideas has the NCAA implemented so far?
  16. It has come to pass that the, end my friend is the only part of the season that matters. Like it or not...
  17. You must have missed his ranking the last time he did them? I believe it was at the end of the old forum...
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