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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. But then again, the ancient Greek origins of drama are closely connected with conpetition, right? Tragedies were staged in a competition as a part of the Festival of Dionysus. They declared a winner.
  2. To throw out another, it would be like adding painting: Norway would send Odd Nerdrum, US would send the new upstart Wiley, Germany Gerhard Richter, China Leng Jun , etc. All got superior fine motor skills, but it ain't sport . . . like by definition.
  3. Except, you know, the house fires and subsequent riots ... See the "take it higher" note above.
  4. Like that Sajidov guy? Picked that dude's pocket, right? I know it's sacrilege to mock him, but we shouldn't just give Sanderson the fantasy win. Edit: Of course, Sanderson does win at the stipulated 197. At catch weight, idk.
  5. My uncle was the superintendent there. Only reason it rings a bell. Either that or I have no idea what Im talking about. Definite possibility.
  6. No. Late 80s early 90s.. He was from Chandler, I think.
  7. Bubba Jenkins got worse then better. I kid. I think he stayed the same. Most kids do whether they place higher at NCAAs or not: Gelogaev, Heil, Fix, Kindig ...
  8. https://olympics.com/en/paris-2024/sports/breaking
  9. If so, and ... 1. You are not among the handful schools that actually turn a profit off sports via football. 2. You have any purpose other than providing diversion for folks living in a cultural wasteland. I would completely divorse the institution from sports and stop the academic charade. That seems to be the model everywhere else in the world.
  10. Is the 9.9 scholarship limit meaningless now?
  11. I kinda hate all this new attention. Where were you folks when Jamal Parks spent his entire sr year setting up a shot?
  12. Word, but there are differences of temperment, e.g. the Schultz's famously tried to maim their opponents.
  13. Jfc looks like he got into Derek's Select.
  14. I have asked the same direct question, I.e. who's the drunk?, several times here, and I only get insinuations.
  15. You say a lot of ridiculous things, but this might be true.
  16. What is "that stuff"? Being a drunk? Being a jerk? Or being a drunken jerk? I've never heard any of these stories. Just oblique references.
  17. This joke, man. How many times can we make this same joke?
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