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Everything posted by KLCarnegieTech_1969

  1. Well he did in 2021. I'm not sure if he coached there for a year or more. Since his younger brother wrestlers there maybe he is still affiliated in some way. room. https://fightingillini.com/sports/wrestling/roster/coaches/ed-ruth/2033
  2. I don't have a metric. Let try and be more clear. My apologies if my remarks were misleading. What I was trying to say is Iowa has been in decline since the departure of Lee, DeSanto, Murin, Kaleb Young and Michael Kemerer. If those athletes from PA had not wrestled at Iowa, the decline would have started sooner. Additionally, I don't see it getting any better. TNT do not have the appeal as they once did. My point was more of a prediction. Because of Illinois' younger and more dynamic coaching staff (Poeta, Delgado, O'Connor, Martinez, Ed Ruth, Jeremy Hunter) Illinois should be drawing better kids with Chicago in their back yard.
  3. You are so correct. Meglomania is an illness. And, there are a lot of people roaming this country with untreated psychiatric illness.
  4. What a nice crowd. No I am not drunk. Mike Tomlin is always under heavy scrutiny in Pittsburgh. He has never had a losing season yet has not won a playoff game in 7 seasons. He is destined for the HOF but the Yinzer faithful want to run him out of town.
  5. Maybe you should check your facts. I stand by what I said. Micic might not be in Michigan today, and Ruth might be in the Balkans, but they are both affiliated with the program. A far cry from TNT and Morningside.
  6. Iowa is being passed up by Iowa State, Michigan and Illinois, and Ohio State not to mention Penn State. These programs have either younger or more dynamic coaching staffs. Iowa State has Dresser, St. John, Metcalf and Nate Carr. Illinois had Poeta, Martinez, Delgado, O'Connor and Ed Ruth. Michigan has Kevin Jackson, Micic, and Churella to help out. Tom Ryan has Steiber, Jaggers and Jordan. Bourmet is out recruiting Iowa in Chicago and Illinois. If I am a blue chip kid Iowa would be the last place I would want to go. Once the piplines to Iowa from PA and Illinois dry up (which they are) the end is imminent.
  7. I think it is... If I'm a blue chip kid and had a choice between Iowa and Iowa I would choose the better coaching staff. It seems the Cyclones (like Michigan and Illinois) have young and/or dynamic people as assistants or present in the program. I think Metcalf, St. John, Nate Carr and Schuyler (Grad Assistant), offer more than TNT and Morningstar. Illinois has Poeta, O'Connor, Martinez, Delgado and even Ed Ruth helping in the room. Michigan has Churella, Micic, Kevin Jackson helping Sean Bormet. If you notice, Bormet is out recruiting Iowa in Illinois because he is from there and offers more. Once the PA and Illinois pipelines to Iowa dry up the end is imminent.
  8. This is fascinating. Although these athletes did not transfer to DI schools, they still placed in the DI tournament. For more on the subject go to: https://johnnythompsonnum1.blogspot.com/2017/08/division-ii-and-division-iii-wrestlers.html The Following Division II Wrestlers Were Division I All Americans Pat Dorn (South Dakota State) Division II 134 lbs Champion = 8th Division I R.J. Nebe (Nebraska-Omaha) Division II 177 lbs Champion = 6th Division I Carlton Haselrig (Pittsburgh Johnstown) Division II Champion = Champion Division I The Following Division III Wrestlers Were Division I All Americans Peter Gonzalez (Montclair State) Division III 126 lbs Champion = 7th Division I Karl Monaco (Montclair State) Division III 142 lbs Champion = 3rd Division I
  9. I think the documentary speaks to the patience, care and consideration of people like Terry Brands, and Spencer Lee. Hey, we are all works in progress. DeSanto, does have problems with social communication and interaction. I wouldn't 'demonize' him for that.
  10. It could be worse. You could be hearing the Ferrari's mouth off and act like punks. Count your blessings.
  11. Probably, but also trained by his Dad who coached Ben, Keegan and he in high school.
  12. What a great kid with a high emotional IQ... truly refreshing.
  13. Thank your for acknowledging this. There are similarities between Bo Nickal and Schalles. Either could pin anybody, anywhere and anytime. X marks the spot! I'm adding them as I think of them.
  14. Keith Gavin-1 time PIAA qualifier. Not sure if he ever placed in high shool, but two time NCAA Finalist. One time Champ!
  15. I totally agree... I was gonna add him but was in a hurry. That match was I think his junior year? Here it is:
  16. Great Topic: I can only leave two names b/c I am at work and this would take up too much of my time. But here is my start. 1998: Kurt Angle: 285 (undersized) Clarion U. Did not go to a 'big name school' b/c he wanted to wrestle for Coach Bubb and play football. You know the rest of his story. 2009: Ryan Williams: 141 lbs. Old Dominion U. runner up; 137 career wins.
  17. Your comment is well taken. I was getting a little ahead of myself. I still think Matthews is a dark horse. He won't get a great seed. He is 14-9 and is going to be a bracket buster. As far as Yonger, Beard and Henson, they are legitimate contenders.
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