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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. Congrats on the W, @Southend. Any idea if Glicher is out for thr year or just temporarily? Also in the future, between he and Lillard, they have two excellent young wrestlers. Any idea who goes where after this year?
  2. I could be wrong but that's how I remember it. Still they were on pace for team victory. I think it's the right call if they feel he had a serious injury concern
  3. Pitzer was losing by something around 9-2 at that point. He could have likely finished the match without getting pinned but coach prioritized his wrestlers health over the dual outcome.
  4. It's a different perspective on life when something like that happens. You let fewer opportunities pass you by. I say this as someone who faced a near death experience as a young man and incorporated that into my life philosophy afterwards
  5. Otto looks very much undersized at 197. Supposedly he won the spot, despite being at a lower weight class, because he was decisively beating Tal Shahar in the room
  6. Could be a duck. I would have had my money on Turley
  7. Influenza A and ringworm are the two most likely
  8. I think Amine must have a large cut down to 165 given that he was so hungry he resorted to attempted cannibalism
  9. My predictions overall were really off base in this dual. The main takeaway for me is that Michael Blockhus is a dog
  10. Smith has beat Ramos, Spratley, Kaylor and Jordan this year alone. He also initiated action on almost all of the points in which McKee scored on counter. I think the weight will come down to matchups.
  11. Rank Wrestler 18 Luke Stanich 13 Drake Ayala 13 Matt Ramos 12 Jore Volk 10 Troy Spratley 9 Braeden Davis 6 Brett Ungar 6 Cooper Flynn 5 Nico Provo 4 Kysen Terukina 4 Noah Surtin 3 Eric Barnett 3 Jett Strickenberger 1 Caleb Smith 0 Brayden Palmer 0 Michael DeAugustino 0 Tanner Jordan -2 Jack Maida -2 Tyler Klinsky -3 Anthony Noto -3 Dean Peterson -3 Eli Griffin -3 Richie Figueroa -3 Stevo Poulin -4 Anthony Molton -4 Patrick McKee -4 Spencer Moore -5 Brandon Kaylor -6 Brendan McCrone -6 Colton Camacho -12 Jakob Camacho -15 Diego Sotelo -16 Trever Anderson -16 Tristan Lujan
  12. heard from the crowd during review "it's not even close - let's wrestle!" LOL
  13. nice job tonight coach. team putting a whooping on presbyterian
  14. Good effort here from Lemley. He's not backing down from the moment
  15. I feel the pain for Nagao. I've been pinned in overtime
  16. This is finally a competitive match between guys who are trying stuff
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