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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. I played fantasy EPL when I lived in London. I came in last every year lol
  2. I couldn't tell but my guess is that it was due to the Brown coach walking onto the nat approaching the ref after he didn't like the way 125 ended
  3. He never seemed to have that type of personality. Not surprised it's not working out, but hope he can find something more suitable for him as an adult career
  4. This one has @Wrestleknownothingand @gimpeltfwritten all over it. I cant even muster a guess
  5. My dad is light skinned Italian - and my younger brother has red hair and we are all fast-twitch sprinters who build muscle easily. Kind of a weird thing but he looks like family.
  6. Based on matchups, the natural starters of each team do not have two ranked wrestlers against each other
  7. the announcer is wrong and you are right. I had no clue what he was saying
  8. Just based on how people react to his wrestling, Keckeisen must have 1) Farm strength 2) Especially with his grip
  9. Plott man. The dude has never looked better
  10. I don't think that should have been a two count, but I'm no ref
  11. This year is the best I've ever seen Plott wrestle. Good start here as well
  12. Incredible finish. Feldman is clutch and an true AA threat now
  13. Hell of a dual and I was a fool to think it would be so lopsided
  14. Rogers is also a natural 184, but I agree Geog looks a lot bigger
  15. He has three duals and four tournaments this year. Only question is - which of those tournaments was he participating unattached (if any)
  16. He wrestles like Konner Doucet, but he's a 157 lber
  17. Great win by Matthews. He's tough but wrestles close matches in which he relies on opponents attacks to produce his own offense
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