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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. Oregon State University was founded first in 1868 and established a wrestling team in 1909 Ohio State was founded in 1870 and established a wrestling team in 1921 Oklahoma State was founded in 1890 and established a wrestling team in 1916 In any event, it looks like Oregon State should get the OSU name
  2. It is interesting and I have noticed it over the years that Missouri and NC state stand out as the best teams which do not rely on the portal in any significant way. NC State seems to have a very specific type of person they look for (committing to zero tolerance for alcohol even for above aged students during the offseason). Missouri has had the odd transfer here and there, but it doesn't tend to be one of their better guys. NC State is actually a net contributor to the transfer portal in a major way. Seems like either guys get caught with bad behavior and are sent packing or they realize the squad is too deep and want to have a chance contributing somewhere.
  3. Cornell haven't historically been ducks, and they typically go out of their way to have one of the most competitive schedules. However the optics of what occurred that night are hard to explain away.
  4. I got carried away with my 125 data gathering. If anyone cares to understand, I can walk through the methodology. Basically I take an average of four rankings (Intermat, Flo, WIN, and WrestleStat) to establish an original order of perceived rankings. I then award points for match outcomes against all other 125 lbers, but the points awarded are higher if you defeat a high ranked media guy - and largely negative if you lose to an unranked media guy. I then input by hand the results of every match at 125 this year among the top 55 wrestlers so far (will do the full 80 eventually). Wrestler 1 Eric Barnett 2 Jore Volk 3 Nico Provo 4 Matt Ramos 5 Noah Surtin 6 Drake Ayala 7 Caleb Smith 8 Cooper Flynn 9 Troy Spratley 10 Tanner Jordan 11 Brett Ungar 12 Michael DeAugustino 13 Braeden Davis 14 Anthony Noto 15 Dean Peterson 16 Jett Strickenberger 17 Jack Maida 18 Patrick McKee 19 Ethan Berginc 20 Luke Stanich 21 Brandon Kaylor 22 Jakob Camacho 23 Stevo Poulin 24 Spencer Moore 25 Brendan McCrone 26 Anthony Molton 27 Brayden Palmer 28 Richie Figueroa 29 Kysen Terukina 30 Blake West 31 Carlos Negrete 32 Conrad Hendriksen 33 Drew West 34 Trever Anderson 35 Dominic Mendez 36 Diego Sotelo 37 Tristan Lujan 38 Jeremiah Reno 39 Max Gallagher 40 Sean Spidle 41 Justin Cardani 42 Eli Griffin 43 Tucker Owens 44 Kyle Montaperto 45 Nick Babin 46 Blaine Frazier 47 Drew Heethuis 48 Chad Bellis 49 Tyler Klinsky 50 Colton Camacho 51 Richard Castro-Sandoval 52 Joey Fischer 53 Logan Agin 54 Desmond Pleasant 55 Carson Wagner
  5. 125: Jore Volk 133: Daton Fix 141: Jesse Mendez 149: Caleb Henson 157: Meyer Shapiro 165: Keegan O'Toole 174: Carter Starocci 184: Parker Keckeisen 197: Aaron Brooks 285: Greg Kerkvliet
  6. oh not that works. I am more aware of starter heights which shows through as a bias in my first guesses
  7. I can't tell for sure, but I would guess he's a little shorter than Spencer Lee (who is 5'3)
  8. This is my first attempt at guessing the shortest and tallest at each weight. 125: Conrad Hendrikson to Drake Ayala 133: Daton Fix to Dustin Norris 141: Beau Bartlett to Kai Owen 149: Austin Gomez to Ty Watters 157: Jared Franek to Alex Hornfeck 165: Antrell Taylor to Brevin Cassella 174: Gabe Arnold to Cade DeVos 184: Parker Keckeisen to Reece Heller 197: Aaron Brooks to Cole Urbas 285: Nick Feldman to Greg Kerkvliet Which ones did I get wrong? Any suggestions?
  9. It was odd for me to put Hamiti on a tier above Amine who has routinely handled him, but otherwise it felt close to being accurate. On the other hand Hamiti has never lost to Ramirez. And between the three of those chaps, it's Ramirez who seems more able to beat guys up a level (and lose to guys below)
  10. With Turley graduating and Foca maybe hitting the portal (and having a huge New Jersey state tattoo on his back)... maybe there is a potential match
  11. Wisconsin youth stars like O'Toole, Mesenbrink, and Hopke finding homes else where because Bono hasn't developed good relationships with Askren and others who are influential on the local youth scene. Outgoing AA Transfers: Evan Wick, Austin Gomez The whole Burwick thing was so unnecessary and certainly a reputational black eye for the program. Hamiti appears to be the exact same guy they got as a true freshman and continues to be stuck a level or two below championship contender. I think they're doing a reasonable job for a college program in a vacuum, but since their youth scene is so strong, the people of Wisconsin are right to have higher expectations for their college program. Might be time for a fresh look to make sure that is more aligned.
  12. They actually had Seltzer listed as being the wrestler at 141 even though we could all see it was Edmond (though they eventually corrected it)
  13. 125 - Davis dec McCrone - 3-0 133 - Nagao dec Bouzakis - 6-0 141 - Mendez dec BB - 6-3 149 - D'Emilio dec Kasak - 6-6 157 - Haines dec Wilcox - 9-6 165 - Mesenbrink tech Hepner - 14-6 174 - Starocci dec Welsh - 17-6 184 - Rogotzke fall Truax 17-12 (Upset Special) 197 - Brooks dec Geog - 20-12 285 - Kerkvliet dec Feldman - 23-12 Nittany Lions
  14. 125: Drake Ayala dec Michael DeAugustino 3-0 133: Dylan Ragusin dec Cullan Schriever 3-3 141: Real Woods dec Sergio Lemley 6-3 149: Austin Gomez major Victor Voinovich 6-7 157: Jared Franek dec Will Lewan 9-7 165: Michael Caliendo dec Cam Amine 12-7 174: Patrick Kennedy dec Shane Griffith 15-7 (Upset Special) 184: Jaden Bullock major Aiden Riggins 15-11 197: Zach Glazier dec Rylan Rogers 18-11 285: Lucas Davison major Bradley Hill 18-15, Hawkeyes
  15. Tier 1: O'Toole Tier 2: Mesenbrink and Carr Tier 3: Hamiti, Olejnik, Ramirez, Caliendo Tier 4: Amine, Fish, Hall
  16. They also had Carter Young and Christian Carroll committed at one point
  17. That was my understanding although @Major Kong might be able to confirm
  18. Shane Liegel needs to do a co-sponsorship with Caleb Fish for Legal Seafoods
  19. I could be mistaken, but I thought all of DeAugustino, Cannon, and Davison were all grad transfers. And that Northwestern has zero scholarships (although maybe do provide some aid, but I have no clue) whereas Michigan has NIL money to throw around, along with 9.9 scholarships, and are another midwest school with top academics
  20. Surtin pinning Ungar while wearing a neckbrace was impressive. Kade Moore also wrestled a hell of a match vs Vito
  21. Getting thumped by Michigan State was really something. @nhs67says that Michigan State doesn't even have a college level workout facility for wrestlers
  22. I am hard-wired to root against the heavy favorites, but Keegan O'Toole is hard to root against. Wrestles hard and wins with relative humility.
  23. Shapiro has the talent to win the title this year. I'd love to see him vs Levi
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