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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. Obviously something is up with Figueroa - injury or something else. What sucks is that last year you have two guys that are legit AA quality and you have to choose between them. And this year, you have one and he's just not wrestling like he usually does.
  2. He did, but he had a wide lead for second place (which has since gotten a bit smaller)
  3. That Soldano vs Rogotzke match was so much fun. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out
  4. No I don't think so. Too late to edit now but is say Jamison over Edmonds by decision and them maybe Alvarez over Gioffre by decision
  5. we support the sport - and flo is not entirely evil - but they do just enough to piss you off and encourage you to support any other competitor. couple of their staff seem to be competent, but pyles is not one of them and takes up a lot of their bandwidth unfortunately I would love to reward flo with my annual subscription if I can hear some encouraging words from others on improvements in array of D1 college wrestling offerings (they have world team stuff, and high school stuff, which I care less about and don't wish to pay for) and reliability in streams. they seem to be losing market share in college wrestling
  6. ***duck**, this time it was spelling "maj decision" instead of just plain regular old decision
  7. I don't have Flo but will look forward to the updates and replays. Here is my prediction: 125: Surtin dec Spratley 3-0 133: Fix dec Moore 3-3 141: Tagen Jamison dec Logan Gioffre 3-7 149: Josh Edmonds dec Jordan Williams 6-7 157: Brock Mauller dec Teague Travis 9-7 165: Keegan O'Toole dec Izzak Olejnik 12-7 174: Peyton Mocco dec Brayden Thompson 15-7 184: Dustin Plott dec Colton Whiting 15-10 197: Rocky Elam dec Luke Surber 18-10 285: Zach Elam dec Konner Doucet 21-10 Mizzou
  8. FC Rank Wrestler School Conference InterMat FloSports WIN WrestleStat Net Media Rank 1 Eric Barnett Wisconsin Big Ten 2 6 8 2 3 2 Jore Volk Wyoming Big 12 8 8 7 10 8 3 Tanner Jordan South Dakota State Big 12 17 20 16 26 21 4 Nico Provo Stanford PAC 12 18 19 15 21 18 5 Noah Surtin Missouri Big 12 7 3 5 6 4 6 Troy Spratley Oklahoma State Big 12 20 11 14 23 17 7 Matt Ramos Purdue Big Ten 1 1 1 1 1 8 Cooper Flynn Virginia Tech ACC 6 7 4 14 7 9 Drake Ayala Iowa Big Ten 5 4 3 5 2 10 Caleb Smith Nebraska Big Ten 15 9 12 18 12 11 Michael DeAugustino Northwestern Big Ten 12 15 10 9 9 12 Braeden Davis Penn State Big Ten 3 2 9 7 4 13 Brett Ungar Cornell EIWA 16 18 17 22 18 14 Luke Stanich Lehigh EIWA 4 5 51 4 16 15 Dean Peterson Rutgers Big Ten 13 16 20 11 15 16 Jack Maida American EIWA 28 31 51 25 27 17 Anthony Noto Lock Haven MAC 8 13 2 3 6 18 Stevo Poulin Northern Colorado Big 12 17 12 6 12 10 19 Anthony Molton Campbell SoCon 26 30 51 19 25 20 Patrick McKee Minnesota Big Ten 14 17 11 8 11 21 Blake West Northern Illinois MAC 32 57 51 38 34 22 Ethan Berginc Army EIWA 31 33 51 27 29 23 Jett Strickenberger West Virginia Big 12 57 57 51 28 37 24 Brandon Kaylor Oregon State PAC 12 19 10 13 17 14 25 Brendan McCrone Ohio State Big Ten 24 21 51 24 24 26 Brayden Palmer Chattanooga SoCon 23 29 51 15 23 27 Drew West Gardner-Webb SoCon 57 57 51 39 41 28 Kysen Terukina Iowa State Big 12 25 23 51 33 26 29 Jakob Camacho North Carolina State ACC 22 22 18 16 20 30 Spencer Moore North Carolina ACC 29 26 51 36 29 31 Dominic Mendez Cal Poly PAC 12 30 57 51 41 36 32 Diego Sotelo Harvard EIWA 21 25 51 20 22 33 Trever Anderson Northern Iowa Big 12 57 28 51 32 31 34 Eli Griffin California Baptist Big 12 27 27 51 30 27 35 Carlos Negrete North Dakota State Big 12 57 57 51 46 46 36 Kade Davidheiser Bucknell EIWA 57 57 51 74 77 37 Conrad Hendriksen Oklahoma Big 12 33 57 51 37 34 38 Tristan Lujan Michigan State Big Ten 57 57 51 40 42 39 Michael Joyce Brown EIWA 57 57 51 52 52 40 Jeremiah Reno Little Rock PAC 12 57 57 51 31 38 41 Max Gallagher Pennsylvania EIWA 57 32 51 29 32 42 Sean Spidle Central Michigan MAC 57 57 51 48 48 43 Jake Ice Sacred Heart EIWA 57 57 51 68 68 44 Justin Cardani Illinois Big Ten 57 57 51 54 54 45 Kyle Montaperto Virginia ACC 57 57 51 49 49 46 Richie Figueroa Arizona State PAC 12 11 14 19 14 13 47 Tucker Owens Air Force Big 12 57 57 51 45 45 48 Joey Fischer Clarion MAC 57 57 51 50 50 49 Yusief Lillie Utah Valley Big 12 57 57 51 66 66 50 Nick Babin Columbia EIWA 57 57 51 34 39 51 Davian Guanajuato Southern Illinois Edwardsville MAC 57 57 51 57 57 52 Benjamin Aranda Cleveland State MAC 57 57 51 59 59 53 Tyler Klinsky Rider MAC 57 57 51 35 40 54 Drew Heethuis Princeton EIWA 57 57 51 43 43 55 Chad Bellis Appalachian State SoCon 57 57 51 44 44 56 Richard Castro-Sandoval Cal State Bakersfield PAC 12 57 57 51 53 53 57 Damion Ryan Bellarmine MAC 57 57 51 69 69 58 Tommy Capul Maryland Big Ten 57 57 51 76 76 59 Colton Camacho Pittsburgh ACC 57 24 51 42 33 60 Blaine Frazier Indiana Big Ten 57 57 51 47 47 61 JB Dragovich George Mason MAC 57 57 51 67 67 62 Desmond Pleasant Drexel EIWA 57 57 51 51 51 63 Logan Agin Duke ACC 57 57 51 56 56 64 Dylan Acevedo-Switzer Hofstra EIWA 57 57 51 63 63 65 Robbie Sagaris Long Island EIWA 57 57 51 62 62 66 Trenton Dominguez Presbyterian SoCon 57 57 51 75 75 67 Massey Odiotti Northwestern Big Ten 57 57 51 71 71 68 Kevin Lopez Morgan State EIWA 57 57 51 78 78 69 Malik Hardy Citadel SoCon 57 57 51 58 58 70 Dayton DelViscio Navy EIWA 57 57 51 64 64 71 Eric Howe Franklin & Marshall EIWA 57 57 51 65 65 72 Carson Wagner Binghamton EIWA 57 57 51 55 55 73 Max Elton Buffalo MAC 57 57 51 60 60 74 Enis Ljikovic Davidson SoCon 57 57 51 79 79 75 Caleb Edwards Edinboro MAC 57 57 51 73 73 76 Bronson Garber Bloomsburg MAC 57 57 51 61 61 77 Tony Burke VMI SoCon 57 57 51 77 78 78 Ryan Meek Ohio MAC 57 57 51 72 72 79 Adan Benavidez Kent State MAC 57 57 51 70 70 80 Austin Kegley Lindenwood MAC 57 57 51 80 80 81 Daniel Graham Queens SoCon 57 57 51 81 81
  9. My daughter wants me to change the yellowish color to blue but I told her Bob only gives us 15 minutes, so will have to wait for next time
  10. Couple of notes. I completed a few data integrity exercises to make sure formulas were consistent throughout, etc. I replaced Brunner with Brown and Bell with Davidheiser. I have not yet replaced Camacho with Trombley, although I can see they have done that on WrestleStat, because I have not yet heard confirmation of anything wrong with Camacho (which is what I think it would take for that change to take place). I'll keep an eye on that situation. Otherwise I decided against giving Braeden Davis the loss for the sake of stats for a couple reasons. First is that I'm sure there are other matches which were similarly questionable that I just didn't see or care enough to reverse. Another point is that if these calls are to be expected for favorites like PSU, then we can't hide behind that. We should show that in the stats. FC Rank Wrestler School InterMat FloSports WIN Wrestlestat Net Media Rank 1 Eric Barnett Wisconsin 2 6 8 2 3 2 Jore Volk Wyoming 8 8 7 10 8 3 Tanner Jordan South Dakota State 17 20 16 26 21 4 Nico Provo Stanford 18 19 15 21 18 5 Noah Surtin Missouri 7 3 5 6 4 6 Troy Spratley Oklahoma State 20 11 14 23 17 7 Matt Ramos Purdue 1 1 1 1 1 8 Cooper Flynn Virginia Tech 6 7 4 14 7 9 Drake Ayala Iowa 5 4 3 5 2 10 Caleb Smith Nebraska 15 9 12 18 12 11 Michael DeAugustino Northwestern 12 15 10 9 9 12 Braeden Davis Penn State 3 2 9 7 4 13 Brett Ungar Cornell 16 18 17 22 18 14 Luke Stanich Lehigh 4 5 51 4 16 15 Dean Peterson Rutgers 13 16 20 11 15 16 Jack Maida American 28 31 51 25 27 17 Anthony Noto Lock Haven 8 13 2 3 6 18 Stevo Poulin Northern Colorado 17 12 6 12 10 19 Anthony Molton Campbell 26 30 51 19 25 20 Patrick McKee Minnesota 14 17 11 8 11 21 Blake West Northern Illinois 32 57 51 38 34 22 Ethan Berginc Army 31 33 51 27 29 23 Jett Strickenberger West Virginia 57 57 51 28 37 24 Brandon Kaylor Oregon State 19 10 13 17 14 25 Brendan McCrone Ohio State 24 21 51 24 24 26 Brayden Palmer Chattanooga 23 29 51 15 23 27 Drew West Gardner-Webb 57 57 51 39 41 28 Kysen Terukina Iowa State 25 23 51 33 26 29 Jakob Camacho North Carolina State 22 22 18 16 20 30 Spencer Moore North Carolina 29 26 51 36 29 31 Dominic Mendez Cal Poly 30 57 51 41 36 32 Diego Sotelo Harvard 21 25 51 20 22 33 Trever Anderson Northern Iowa 57 28 51 32 31 34 Eli Griffin California Baptist 27 27 51 30 27 35 Carlos Negrete North Dakota State 57 57 51 46 46 36 Kade Davidheiser Bucknell 57 57 51 74 77 37 Conrad Hendriksen Oklahoma 33 57 51 37 34 38 Tristan Lujan Michigan State 57 57 51 40 42 39 Michael Joyce Brown 57 57 51 52 52 40 Jeremiah Reno Little Rock 57 57 51 31 38 41 Max Gallagher Pennsylvania 57 32 51 29 32 42 Sean Spidle Central Michigan 57 57 51 48 48 43 Jake Ice Sacred Heart 57 57 51 68 68 44 Justin Cardani Illinois 57 57 51 54 54 45 Kyle Montaperto Virginia 57 57 51 49 49 46 Richie Figueroa Arizona State 11 14 19 14 13 47 Tucker Owens Air Force 57 57 51 45 45 48 Joey Fischer Clarion 57 57 51 50 50 49 Yusief Lillie Utah Valley 57 57 51 66 66 50 Nick Babin Columbia 57 57 51 34 39 51 Davian Guanajuato Southern Illinois Edwardsville 57 57 51 57 57 52 Benjamin Aranda Cleveland State 57 57 51 59 59 53 Tyler Klinsky Rider 57 57 51 35 40 54 Drew Heethuis Princeton 57 57 51 43 43 55 Chad Bellis Appalachian State 57 57 51 44 44 56 Richard Castro-Sandoval Cal State Bakersfield 57 57 51 53 53 57 Damion Ryan Bellarmine 57 57 51 69 69 58 Tommy Capul Maryland 57 57 51 76 76 59 Colton Camacho Pittsburgh 57 24 51 42 33 60 Blaine Frazier Indiana 57 57 51 47 47 61 JB Dragovich George Mason 57 57 51 67 67 62 Desmond Pleasant Drexel 57 57 51 51 51 63 Logan Agin Duke 57 57 51 56 56 64 Dylan Acevedo-Switzer Hofstra 57 57 51 63 63 65 Robbie Sagaris Long Island 57 57 51 62 62 66 Trenton Dominguez Presbyterian 57 57 51 75 75 67 Massey Odiotti Northwestern 57 57 51 71 71 68 Kevin Lopez Morgan State 57 57 51 78 78 69 Malik Hardy Citadel 57 57 51 58 58 70 Dayton DelViscio Navy 57 57 51 64 64 71 Eric Howe Franklin & Marshall 57 57 51 65 65 72 Carson Wagner Binghamton 57 57 51 55 55 73 Max Elton Buffalo 57 57 51 60 60 74 Enis Ljikovic Davidson 57 57 51 79 79 75 Caleb Edwards Edinboro 57 57 51 73 73 76 Bronson Garber Bloomsburg 57 57 51 61 61 77 Tony Burke VMI 57 57 51 77 78 78 Ryan Meek Ohio 57 57 51 72 72 79 Adan Benavidez Kent State 57 57 51 70 70 80 Austin Kegley Lindenwood 57 57 51 80 80 81 Daniel Graham Queens 57 57 51 81 81
  11. Same question I had. Camacho has been hot and cold - perhaps due to injury? The one he missed last year for perhaps? Since I put together all these things by hand, Bucknell has just changed their starter from Owen Bell to Kade Davidheiser. Back to work for me I guess. I'm focusing my efforts this year on 125 Plus Jared Brunner to Michael Joyce for Brown
  12. My sister is eleven years younger than me so I knew what it meant
  13. Since you mention it, I counted the All-Star match in my stats.
  14. In my mind - most certainly . But for clarity sake, the two lists above were from before the dual and the difference between them was not a different point in time - but whether or not matches against non-D1 starters would be considered into the calculation
  15. Not to mention Ohio State. At the time we all thought the skin check issue was a fake duck by Lemley, but as it turns out it was Mendez that paid off the skin check guy to avoid the match
  16. There's got to be some accounting related joke here and FIFO, but I'll let @ionel do the honors
  17. Not sure what's up with Figueroa, but for a guy that I thought had a chance of winning the title this year, he may not qualify for the tournament
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