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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. Well potatoes are delicious fresh out of the oven, but unless you're making vichysoisse, I'm not a fan of cold potatoes much
  2. When I weighed 95 lbs and was wrestling varsity 103, I could bench 185 at my peak. once my labrum of my left shoulder gave out, even with additional surgeries, I never ended up benching more than that even after growing in size by 1.5X
  3. Guys its Taylor vs Tinker!!!!!! my favorite joke now is to say "when do we get Soldier vs Spy!!!"
  4. he's awesome, fun to watch, and I also like rooting for WVU
  5. Sparks gets uncomfortable around those with more energy than him
  6. feels like Kelvin Griffin kinda came out of nowhere
  7. Blind people would face significant obstacles in competing in pretty much any other sport. I like that we can provide them an outlet in our sport.
  8. But in this case - the rules state that for blind wrestlers- the referee should blow the whistle whenever direct contact is broken between the two wrestlers. So I guess he chose the right sport!
  9. I see where you're coming from, but for me personally, I'm okay with it. It helps to make the sport a bit more inclusive.
  10. I love watching Max Leete. Guys don't like wrestling him
  11. If birds start building a nest in there - I think the bird's beak could poke someone's eye out.
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