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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. In addition to Glory, I expect Sasso will be well above his usual wrestling weight by tonight
  2. Rooting for: Ramos Vito Alirez Sasso Haines Either guy at 165 is fine Labriola Brooks Bonaccorsi Either guy at 285 is fine
  3. He is is solid dude for sure. Lots of good folks on here actually
  4. Sounds like he didn't leave Tulsa although that was a rumor floating around. https://iowa.forums.rivals.com/threads/spencer-lee-will-medically-forfeit-from-the-wrestle-back-round.415280/
  5. Brands in particular seems to have come a very long way
  6. I hope you're right on Sasso. Would love to see it
  7. When asked if he felt any sympathy for Spencer Lee, Matt Ramos said "excuses are for hawkeyes"
  8. Ramos vs Lee is such a fan match-up to watch. Sad to think this is the last time ever in folk
  9. I hate to say it but I feel like a lot of these semis will go chalk and I'm sort of looking forward to bloodround matches more
  10. You and me both! We're down in the gutter with the likes of goheels and mphillips. Imagine that!
  11. 125: Lee and Glory 133: RBY and Fix 141: Woods and Alirez 149: Diakomihalis and Parco 157: O'Connor and Haines 165: Carr and O'Toole 174: Starocci and Lewis 184: Keckeisen and Brooks 197: Bonaccorsi and Sloan 285: Parris and Kerkvliet
  12. Tanner Sloan (7) over Bernie Truax (2)
  13. John Worthing from Clarion, the 33 seed. Goes up 6-0 over former AA Demetrius Romero
  14. Daniel Cardenas is pretty underrated on here, including by me
  15. Malyke Hines winning 10-1 over Ryan Jack... is Jack injured?
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