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Everything posted by Lipdrag

  1. Mulleted Murican. Sub-species. Not many procreating opportunities so it might die out. Or evolve to improve its mating opportunities. In a rural, bible-honoring, Christian-y way, of course.
  2. 'murican. 100%. Nothing else matters.
  3. This is science. As it has been read by at least 8 of the peers on this forum it is now validated data. It is probably worth an Ivy league degree - Troll Studies. I will plagiarize it and then be eligible to be the President of any Ivy league institution so long as I can convince the DEI-hards of my multi-diversie-ness. I have great grandfathers from 2 continents (not counting North America) and DNA from 3!! Much more diversie than Harvard's President's single continent great grandfathers and DNA.
  4. Women (although we don't have the ability to define one), minorities, and children who survived gestation hardest hit. Straight, white, normal men unaffected. Those Jerks.
  5. Government reaction: So we are going to restrict your freedom and take your property to move the end a little less near. Trust us. Or don't. Doesn't matter. We are doing it anyway.
  6. It is a fair question. How is an article about illegal aliens committing heinous crimes related to an article about someone commenting about illegal aliens committing heinous crimes? D'uh. Show the link!!! Next thing you know someone will claim that guns in the hands of criminals who have recently been released from custody without punishment are related to gun related crimes by criminals. And then where will we be?
  7. National Champion caliber grammarian right out of high school.
  8. This just in from the Pronunciations Pronouncement Department: The other freshman phenom's name is pronounced Messenb-rye-nk. At least in Delaware and Maryland. Let's all get on our Aussie accents for these wrestlers.
  9. I don't have the authority to grant or deny authority. I am simply pointing out historical usage. I will add example(s) of amateur sports marketing Nounifying an Adjective - Penn Relays. It is just cooler sounding than Penn Relay Races.
  10. Very interesting grammar take: Can an adjective be nounified? See what I did there, made a noun - actually the freaking word NOUN - into a verb!!! Cincinnati Reds, St. Louis Blues, Homestead Grays, New Zealand All Blacks. I am leaving out the Cleveland Browns as they were named after Paul Brown who was a person, place, or thing and therefore a noun. It is very common to turn a traditional adjective into a noun and make it plural. I am siding with Duals as approved lexicon.
  11. Aliens made of carbon affect the weather. A**holes. Edit - the Aliens are the A**holes. Not NHS or my colleagues (who are all also made of carbon) on this site. Edit of my edit - I was presuming Aliens was referring to ETs and not illegal aliens. Don't want to be accused of racism or xenophobia or anything my DEI department will frown upon. It is OK to dislike Aliens, right? Sigourney was pretty anti-Alien so I think I can be also without career ending repercussions.
  12. I totally mis-interpreted the title of this thread. I thought it was a listing of wrestlers/recruits who definitely would never wrestle for the University of N. Carolina. Imagine my surprise when it proceeded to a 2 page thread. I had to open it to see what all the buzz was about and realized the real topic. I often keep myself humble via stupidity.
  13. So, a spy's job is to lie. They lie about who they are, why they are there, what they are doing, for whom they are doing it, and whether or not the agency they work for even exists. Who is surprised that they lied? Those who already knew about the laptop, its veracity, and the coordinated effort to suppress the information? Nope. The only ones surprised they lied (or were actually too stupid to know anything of use) are people who don't pay attention to politics anyway. Also known as independents. Biden's whole team and all knowledgeable insider democrats knew these people were reliable liars or at least reliable idiots. The only people they were trying to fool were the 1 in 6 Biden voters who (13.5 million people!?!) still thought the Bidens are as clean as the Von Trapp family. Mission accomplished. Good job, spies. I guess we hope that these spies at least have the integrity to be loyal to the country and the overall truth rather than to any specific political party within their own country. We hope wrong. They are vermin.
  14. Monkey meat sandwiches (street food) were all the rage walking out of a bar in Po City (Olangapo, P.I.) after closing time when on R&R after pulling a 100 day stint on Yankee Station. Of course they were marketed as goat, beef, pork, etc. but the little guys on the vertical spits had hands, for goodness sake. Tasty at 03:30 walking back to the base across the bridge.
  15. https://babylonbee.com/news/hunter-biden-indicted-for-not-paying-taxes-on-his-bribes
  16. Nice. Subtle. I have to give credit when it is due. I had to think a minute on that one. Now you can return to your regularly scheduled malarkey.
  17. Unlimited transfers - even if between periods of a match. FREE THE COLLEGIANS!! Also, unlimited red shirts. If it takes 16 years to get a degree a free collegian should be able to pursue his passion without the heavy hand of people with judgement and discretion getting in his way.
  18. Bad Minnow would be a great nickname. It leaves a bit of question: is he bad at being a minnow? A really tough minnow? Or Bad (as in good) Minnow? THAT is a nickname someone could own.
  19. It's international and metric, donchaknow? Centimeters of moral fiber are for sale. Due to inflation they cost the same as an inch.
  20. Oh yeah. Inflation, interest rates up, general and widespread dissatisfaction with the economy and the value of our money. All of this was delivered by that bill.
  21. Which car is better - EV or Hybrid? Or gasoline or diesel or hydrogen fuel cell or hydrogen combustion or vegetable oil or CNG? The car that is purchased completely by the free choice of the consumer with none of the above being mandated or subsidized or even commented upon by any government in any way whatsoever. That is the best car! (probably hybrid)
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