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Everything posted by Lipdrag

  1. Big 10 Network better not switch to the pumpkin pushers if the 285s are still wrestling at 9:00. Can they screw the pooch twice in the same day?
  2. What the hell?!? No 285 lb matches so they can switch to choops pre-game!! CRAP.
  3. He would immediately regret a move to bring in scab posters. The quality and volume of posts would drop precipitously. Scabs wouldn't be able to make rate. I wonder if he would stoop so low to hire illegal alien posters?!? Or, worse, AI posters!!! Intelligence like ours cannot be artificialized!! Ridiculed - constantly - but certainly not artificially recreated.
  4. I declare this the winner of the movie scene reference of the day award!! EXCELLENT.
  5. Very true. If it is Trump things will turn ugly because of the lefties going nuts via mostly peaceful riots, arsons, chaos, and mayhem. If it is Biden things will turn ugly because of the lefties going nuts via climateer mandates, medical experiment coercion, unconstitutional governmental overreach, unfettered DC Swamp regulation, open borders, increased child mutiliation, criminalization of pronoun utterances, etc.
  6. Husker, if I want to read about outlandish irregular sex practices I will go to an elementary school library and read about them with children. I want to read this forum of forbidden ideas hidden away in a dark place by myself so no one will know I am being misinformed by some of the most unapproved facts and opinions conceivable and the counterarguments by those unable to reasonably counter or argue. No room for ad hominen attacks here. Even when the subject of your attack is barely hominen.
  7. https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/left-wing-arsonists-shut-down-german-tesla-factory/ Schadenfreude is washing over me right now. Lefties who love EVs hate the factories that make EVs and here's the irony . . . wait for it . . . due to the electricity used to make the EVs!!! Lefties who love mandates and subsidies and all the tools of goverment control hate the factory that is helping execute the mandates and received subsidies to do what they love. Too bad these lefties did not glue themselves to the power substation before setting it on fire.
  8. No, Headshuck won't let us write on him anymore. We have to write them somewhere on the boot now.
  9. Compliments, Dogbone and the other posters, for a very interesting topic and the responses. I see pretty strong arguments both for and against training the athletes who will compete for other countries in the Olympics. I come down on the side of train with them because to be the best you have to beat the best without excuses. However, the call was closer than I thought it would be and I do reserve the right to modify my opinion based on the strength of arguments posted here by those wiser than I am.
  10. Dem be hired! Be DEI and pronoun diverse.
  11. Until Barry and Valerie and the rest of the Bamster crew give Brandon the authority to do it he does not have the authority to do it. Those are the ones who wrote the 94 EOs he issued. Brandon cannot override his handlers.
  12. I would have peed on the whole thing so it was one color thing then put it on. I don't think there is a rule against that.
  13. Fido beware! After farting cows are eliminated the Climateers are coming after you next. Studies like the often-cited 2017 paper titled “Environmental impacts of food consumption by dogs and cats” by UCLA’s Geography Professor Gregory S. Okin have helped shape the story that our four-legged friends are a burden to the earth’s future. Why? In addition to “rising infectious diseases from pathogens caused by climate change,” the globalist cabal has declared that the pet and pet food industries contribute to “increasing heatwaves and pathogens.” “An average-sized cat can produce 310 kilograms (CO2e) annually. An average-sized dog generates 770 kg of CO2e, and an even bigger dog can emit upwards of 2,500 kilograms of CO2e, which is twice as much as the emissions deriving from an average family car per year.” If only our cats and dogs would simply start driving EVs to save the environment everything would be fine. Selfish racist homo-trans-islamo-xeno - phobic sexist pets keeping on eating.
  14. A perfect example of a voucher system with 100% of the benefits tied directly to the education recipient. Also, the benefits were capped in amount so if the recipient wanted to go to a more expensive school than the GI Bill benefit paid the difference in cost was paid by him/her. Before we throw more money to the indoctrinators let's implement this tried and true education investment scheme. It's only fair.
  15. Percentage of dates where you chose bottom?
  16. All my money gets distributed also. Mostly to services and to workers.
  17. 2 reasons, average Joe. 1- 76%+ of your averageness voted for the dems. You voted for then KNOWING they are avowed sanctuary city cultists. You broke it (your cities' governance), you own it. 2 - it isn't your money anyway according to the ideological group you favor. The fruits of your labor belong first to them and they will leave you with whatever they deem you "deserve". So, Joe, I have no sympathy for 76% of yourself. The very non-average 24% who voted against this crap are simply screwed. They don't deserve this in the least.
  18. Of course. Some. The courts intervened on others which again proves we have a two tiered Kangaroo system. Dem pres can cancel any EO by predecessor. Rep Pres can cancel only some EOs by predecessor. This is also is public information, wiseguy. Your tongue is lol-ling. Some executive orders are more equal than others with our Kangaroos in Robes.
  19. I used to think that executive orders could be overturned by the next executive. Yet somehow that was administratively blocked during the last presidency. The current executive can cancel any previous executive order he desires but the prior executive could not cancel orders of his predecessor. Whether one is for or against the concept of extra-legislative governing the unequal application/blocking of the authority by the courts is actually a bigger issue. The Kangaroos are multiplying and unfettered.
  20. Let's call these Pre-Paid Reparations (PRe-Parations?). They have no grievance against any American but let us give them money in advance and rest assured because sure they will come up with some sort of oppression to resent soon.
  21. Governments make very much more off of organic energy than the companies themselves make. When you add in sales tax and excise taxes (state and federal) the government portion of every gallon of gas is 2 - 3 times the profit margin. The combined average federal, state, local (excise and sales tax) load on a $3.00 gallon of gas is about 70 cents. That leaves $2.30 of revenue. Average net profit margin in the oil/gas industry to about 5%. But remember, the gas station owner and the trucking company bringing the gas to the station get to profit some also. So, even if we combine the profits of all entities other than government they get 11 cents of profit. Of which the governments take another 25% or so. Therefore, the "profit" of a gallon of gas is 72 cents to GOV. About 8 cents to robber barons oil companies and others in the value chain. But wait, all of those other companies in between also have employees which are a significant portion of their costs who all then pay taxes also. So let's add another 10 or 15 cents to the government take of each gallon of organic fuel used. The organic fuel industry is a very well run and efficient organization and not a fat bloated pig. Yes, it is very large but it is also pretty lean. Every percent is very tightly controlled and spent - except the government percents. If the organic fuel industry were so ridiculously fat, bloated, and profitable then why aren't their P/E ratios and other Wall Street financial indicators skewed to ridiculous numbers?
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