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Everything posted by BuckyBadger

  1. I’m not complaining about the protestors. As you said they were forced to leave. I’m pointing out that you are pretending that this is a free speech issue. If they remained outside and a certain distance away you might have a point, but you know that’s not the case and continue to twist the situation.
  2. Not true, there is a reason that people are arrested and questioned all the time for taking photographs of the White House etc. When it comes to embassies etc, letting a large crowd gather that could potentially be hostile is incredibly foolish. An enormous amount of money/resources is required for security. You are either being dishonest or willfully ignorant.
  3. Yes, we all know that you never take precautionary measures when it comes to security. Just wait until an attack happens to do something. Thanks for the reminder.
  4. Not like embassies/consulates ever get attacked. No security concerns there….sure.
  5. What a mockery. An Olympic medal loses its luster when the make this a sport.
  6. Biden’s general approach to difficult issues has been to be cryptic and commit only so far out of fear of alienating some voting block. He gives mixed messaging, confusing those that are either for/against and leaving them unsure of where he really stands. If he committed one way or the other he would certainly alienate some voters, but there would be clarity. People want to see our leaders lead with strength and a clear message. I think he is trying to “manage” this conflict through the election and ironically it’s pissing everyone off. He’s probably going to lose and one of the reasons is his inability to pick a horse and stick with it. I’m no fan of Trump, but intuitively, he understands that about politics. After 40 plus years in DC politics, Biden doesn’t seem to get it.
  7. I don’t see Shapiro’s name anywhere, is he not competing for a spot this year?
  8. Actually, the more I think about it, I do think there is precedent for not allowing state employees/agencies etc to display certain messages, but I’m not sure I like the idea of saying a certain type of message should be displayed. That could lead to a pretty bad place eventually.
  9. If it’s state property than I don’t have a problem with the state deciding what sorts of messages are aloud or not aloud. Not all that different from a government employee having restrictions placed on certain ways they present themselves (for example state department employees etc).
  10. The idea that the Jews and Arabs would live in peace if the Palestinians weren’t displaced in 48 is dead wrong. This issue exists because Islam will not tolerate Jews living on what they think is Muslim land. There has been much worse displacement/killing of various Arab/Muslim groups to each other over the years and the same sort of dynamic between those groups is not like what exists between Israel and the Palestinians.
  11. Cary was actually in Madison training for a very brief period when Barry was coach. I think he may have left mid-season, and unsure of the details. Funny how things come full circle.
  12. I don’t know if it’s a major blow, but he was definitely on the side of Khamanei, and was on the short list of clerics to take over as Supreme leader. I do agree that perhaps it gives an opening to whatever opposition exists.
  13. Better watch out for this group, they have a real chance of “tipping” the balance of public opinion…
  14. Just listened to the interview. Man, Brooks is a textbook narcissist.
  15. I don’t know if that would be too controversial in central PA.
  16. Bill Maher just discussed this on his show. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/bill-maher-rips-media-covered-133000414.html
  17. If Bush, Bowman and Omar lose their primaries it’s a backlash to the squad and their movement. They talk a big game when it comes to social justice but do nothing for their constituents, most of whom need real solutions when it comes to things that democrats are supposed to care about (jobs, decent wages, education, more services for bad neighborhoods etc).
  18. My favorite was at NCAAs in Tulsa when he talked about meeting Trump. “I like watching his interviews because he’s a big personality. He has a set of big balls. I like how his mind works. Pretty big being with him.”
  19. That’s true. Last time he was pretty close with no big money behind him. I think people took notice that she is vulnerable and he is more well funded now. I hope he is successful but would be surprised if he beats her.
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