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Everything posted by LJB
shocking even after someone who actually witnessed it told you it was a huge cut and you still argued the fact... **insert winky face emoji**
i know we were all pretty surprised he tried 55kg that year... clearly he was not liking that pull to 50kg and thought he was good enough to drop fix no matter what... and he came out strong both first periods of each match... then wore down... anyone notice a theme? i know he was super pissed he had to continue that descent to 50...
i have never seen lee wrestle a full match and not looked like he was hurting at the end... he just rarely has ever had to push himself that hard... yet another reason i don't see him doing many big things on the senior level... those guys wont care how strong he is for 2 minutes...
he looks bigger now to me than he did then and that is based off of his face looking lean this season in the few pics i have paid any attention to, but, i would definitely agree he has "basically" been the same weight since he was about 8th grade... he was a full grown man destroying little boys passing through his weight... if it was near 20 then he was pulling more than fix was to make 55kg at that time...
i would not have guessed 20 was possible for him, but, he looked soooo bad i am not super surprised to hear that number... it was a topic of discussion because we assumed it would be him and mosha in the finals... it was... and it was not competitive at all...
ugh... no... just scoring off pushouts does not equate to anything in and of itself... how mohammadi did it in that match was amazing to watch... foot fighting in and of itself is not super technical, but, the exact position he places that foot than wraps the big toe around the heel to cause imbalance all the while avoiding leg fouls (not always mind you) is wildly technical... greco works on millimeters of space to make a technique work... that is my world... that is not folk by any stretch of the imagination...
i truly don't see him doing much internationally... i don't see him beating gilman, but, if he does i won't be shocked... if he medaled at worlds or the olympics i would be somewhat shocked based off of what i continue to see... if he does medal i will be super happy for him... i think what i see would look incredibly different if he had not wasted his best physical self continuing to wrestle like he always has because of how effective it is in the lower levels of wrestling... that should be read as NCAAs...
i want vera to be better than he has shown... i am just not convinced anymore he is... but he is most definitely a physical freak...
Because if you continue to read you will also see I said in fairness I watched a couple of his recent matches… like from this year… Looked pretty much the exact same as ever… a little slower… I only really can watch Greco anymore… and that is the most technical of all the styles… I won’t bore you with all the names because it will not mean much… but, take a look at iman mohammadi… the foot fighting he is doing now is next level stuff… I would suggest his U20 finals match where he basically decided he was just going to win on push outs because he is that much better… his U23 gold medal match was much more entertaining by traditional standards… just not as impressive from a technical standpoint… after you get done with those go watch lee vs Ramos and watch lee’s plodding foot movement…
you guys do realize two different things can be true at the same time, yes? i will take your responses off air...
lee is not a technical wrestler... he is a bruiser... clearly he is talented at what he does... you can not find an actual quote where i have said anything to the contrary... you are better than this... you doing aight?
i was more referring to his last match, but, you are not wrong...
i have never denied his talent... or that he was good at wrestling... or is one of the best ever at the poo style... just that it is laughable he could be consider the best wrestler that has ever lived... i can tell you exactly how many 3X age level world medalists at 50kg have a senior medal... 0... of course i dont know how much lee was acxtually cutting... just that i actually saw him doing it with my own eyes and i can tell you he was not having any fun at all... you are basing it off a result you saw... i can't say for sure, but, i would be very surprised if you knew without looking it up who he wrestled in the finals that year... i can... i have also watched fix pull weight and smile all the way through it... the other point that you are ignoring is that in 2016 it was day before weigh ins... whatever... i get none of you will ever come off the hill... you all will be buried up there... it's fine with me...
that was a toodle to a specific dude who clearly got a little riled up... it would be bullying to keep it up, so, i let it go...
karelin would have taken abomination to the woodshed... "The Experiment" remember what happened to him?
of those two, one is a gold medalist and the other a trials finalist at 19 and then quit... i gave another example and that has led to a national championship and wrestling for a world medal at 15... text book example of what viable actually means... vi·a·ble /ˈvīəb(ə)l/ capable of working successfully; feasible.
as an aside... i had not watched a spencer lee match in a couple of years, so, in the interest of fair play i went and watched a couple from recently... i still see the exact same "technical wrestling" that i have always seen from him... **spoiler alert** he won both of the matches i watched...
sorry about that bubble... i really am... but... this has clearly ran its course with you... as an olive branch, i will be more than willing to get spencer's autograph for you if he ever shows up again at a senior event... maybe some used tape... whatever your little heart desires... just let me know... i got you, boo!!! toodles my friend... i am wishing you the best...
to be fair, it is clear that you are misinterpreting my point about lee "technically"... it was poorly written upon review... lee is not a technical wrestler... he relies on just being stronger and more aggressive than anyone else... he does nothing extraordinary... he is just the best at what he does... again... it is a very nuanced opinion based on actually being around the kid for years... it is a very nuanced opinion based on having multiple teammates actually wrestle the kid... i get you are only a "fan" and i truly apologize for the bubble burst...
i missed this gem... lee was 17 at the time and my kid had just turned 13... lee wrestling 50kg in the finals against a current teammate at the time... my kid had just won schoolboy greco and free at 75lbs... that was why it was so weird... it made no sense... a 2X age level world champ mean mugging a kid who weighs 40lbs less than he did and was 4-1/2 years younger... till i saw the team big hoodie my kid was wearing... lee mean mugging a 13 year old kid mat side who was hanging out to watch to watch another stud who had just dropped lee two straight... that other stud and my boys all trained together at the same club when we lived in OK... derek and i laughed about that later... i won't say what he said, but, rivals become rivals for a reason... it is just one of a million wrestling amusements i have had over the years... i didn't think any less of lee then or now... it was actually extremely amusing after the initial WTF of it all...
technically sound at what he does? i would agree... a technical wrestler? not even a little...
to be fair... i have made the assertion he is not a technical wrestler... that seems to be akin to slapping his momma... apologies all around...
i don't disagree... i just choose to not let it be any kind of excuse... can't control it... why even worry about it...
my horses don't go in for that manufactured poison... apples and apples alone baby...
i saw lee before trials trying to make weight for 50kg juniors... he looked like a damn ghost... as bad as anyone i have ever seen... that is not to say fix doesn't pull some weight, but, don't make up stuff to fit what you want to have happened... lee did not want to go to 50 at all... he had to because he got dropped in 2 straight... and 50kg for 20 year old's is incredibly small... but... find more than one 50kg junior medalist that has medaled at seniors... ever... take as much time as you want...