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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. that is just bragging now... my ex-race road dawg bought a similar tractor from someone who had fully restored it and was horrified to find out that my guy was going to use it as a daily on his land... i spent about an hour and a half just looking at how smart that thing was put together... that seat for being just a piece of metal was ridiculously comfortable...
  2. dude... i was a long hair on a motorcycle pushing/towing an MGBGT to somebodies' trailor that day with the help of one of those trucks... something was on fire and at least 3 people got scabs every single day... good times...
  3. hey... it's your story, brother... tell it however you want to... i decided to make you a pet project for 24hrs... honestly kinda feel bad about it... but... it played out exactly how i knew it would... and it still continues... exactly how i knew it would... you played yourself, son... the internet was not invented by al gore when you were in elementary school... take your L and move on... or not.. whatever... i truly wish the best for you... or at the very least "better" for you... that might be a more attainable goal...
  4. nope... but i know what you do that early... every day... seriously... i wish you the best...
  5. i just was rereading this... blue perez was a true wild man... like a 1% true wild man... always nothing but respect between us, but, i never wanted to see him get rowdy... my oldest wrestled his kid when they were little... blue... fish... tdon... all psycho OK wrestlers from your time... still chat regularly with a guy who was a teammate with hardell at coweta...
  6. adorable... how many times did you wake up at 4AM mountain this week and check my profile? every day? seriously... i wish you nothing but the best...
  7. there is my gal... don't get all salty... i just gave you what you were begging for... you played your role perfectly... thank you... i wish you nothing but the best... i really do... but, that was last weekend's moment of amusement...
  8. dude... i am seriously trying to get back to my hillbilly roots... i am over all of it...
  9. ok... thank you for the verification... i was pretty sure it was just tuesday...
  10. i fell off the wagon again and have come back... only have one stalker, so, i apparently i am doing much better... what is good my friend?
  11. amusing mike blaylock story... one year not long after someone took me by the hand and explained what fargo really was, jonce and davey were training to go... im pretty sure that is the year that jonce got to "wrestle" pico... anyway... the boys and i showed up after they were done... both jonce and davey were laying there on the mat pretty wiped... walked over and started chatting with mike... i do not remember who the coach was that was running that session, but, it was somebody for real... mike was telling me i just missed how the coach took some peppers and had them rub it on their hands and then their eyes and then wrestle a match... it was either pure psycho shit or tuesday... but those were my first kind of introductions to this sport...
  12. jonce and davey dolan were still in HS when the boys were first starting... we got to know them pretty well... not sure if you knew, but, jonce has been going through some cancer stuff for the last year... just a great kid... have messaged him a few times... i see him on the facetubes and he appears to be doing pretty well...
  13. i do not disagree... and i know the common thread in all of the issues... i just do not dislike him personally... there is a special place in my heart for psychos who do not fit into this world anymore...
  14. i really do not dislike pat... and trust me when i say i get why everyone has a problem with him... i mostly feel a little bad for him... i sincerely hope he ends up doing at least OKish in wherever he ends up...
  15. i will never let the truth get in the way of a good story...
  16. the boys officially started in berryhill... but... not one small OK town they have not wrestled in... the gym the youngest one trains out of now this signed photograph... blubaugh was one of his coaches first coach... both boys have walked out of ponca with a Blubaugh invitational trophy... Blubaugh-Doug_with-McCann-and-Wilson.jpg.crdownload
  17. ah... the rollers... during the summer months the boys would practice wherever they could while still in OK... sapulpa one day... sand springs the next... bixby and shane's club... OSU... shane is one of those guys who still gets a hand shake the two times i year i see him...
  18. i dare anyone to tell me this is not all a simulation and the best joke in the history of ever...
  19. you are saying that if the state offers both, most of those do not allow the girls to compete with the boys? how many states have sanctioned girls wrestling? it's most, yes?
  20. the boy and i were watching 76kg by accident from zagreb while waiting for specific greco matches... one of our girls competing there did not look like what i would consider a 76KG competitor... she was built like a 53kg girl just blown up about 2Xs... otto had been around her at the OTC... said it was pretty crazy how different that girl is from everyone else... clearly there will always be outliers...
  21. clearly i will do anything to avoid actually working today... is there a big enough competition pool internationally to consider a higher weight? 76kg seems so light, but, anything i said would just be assumptions...
  22. i remember when sage mortimer AA'd in greco at fargo...
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