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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. you are awful at this... like really bad... i apologize for manipulating and exposing you... i really do... but... you should probably just move on...
  2. tonight is not the night... just move on, son... you got exposed and you should just take the L...
  3. i know i am coming back to this, but, i can not stress enough how bad i feel right now... i have a reputation on the googlewebs and my kids are known... i reread what i just casually posted and have been crying ever since... even though it was totally innocent i should have thought for a goddamn second... @Le duke was a man immediately and did exactly what i would like to think i would have done given the circumstances... we all like to think we would do the same but that is not the case more often than not...
  4. it goes both ways... we both could have taken a second, but, i am truly grateful you cowboyed up immediately and called me out... there are several lessons that can be learned from this and nothing gets learned if we just sweep shit under the rug and pretend it never happened...
  5. point being... more empathy in this world is better and if me looking like a total jackass helps someone else understand maybe they should take a second then it was well well worth it...
  6. no... it should be there for the record... sometimes shit happens and this is a perfect example of it... i should have been more cognizant...
  7. the offer is still valid... anyone without an acct can send a PM...
  8. seriously... it never even crossed my mind... i was truly horrified after realizing what you must have thought and can see how it could be taken the wrong way... even the possibility makes me feel awful... Thank you for allowing me to clear that up.
  9. they were THE greco shoe... they just don't like them... kids and animals, man... whatchagonnado???
  10. freakshow is a tourney in vegas... never even considered someone would not know that... apologies for any misunderstandings...
  11. aggressors are still the only shoe my kids ever outgrew instead of destroying them... i loved them... they hated them... now i pick one up and it feels like a damn boot...
  12. first met that kid at freakshow about 5 years ago... anyone without an account could PM a brother for a watch...
  13. when i was racing motorcycles anytime someone would ask me how much i spent on it the answer was always the same... all of it... then i started sending two kids all over the planet to wrestle... wanna know how much i spend on that? all of it...
  14. i hate coming into this thread... it makes me feel like i will never be an adult... ever...
  15. found out this morning the classic TW900 Tigers are now discontinued... then just saw Raquel Welch has passed...
  16. don't leave out the hand this country had in creating the current situation that has some of the best athletes on this planet banned from doing what they were born to do...
  17. i do love it when someone "guarantees" what someone else thinks/supports/whatever... nuance clearly does not exist but for a few select places of enlightenment... meanwhile, tribalism runs rampant...
  18. https://usawrestlingevents.com/event/2300005602/schedule
  19. ugh... keep thinking you have to get to legs for every takedown in MMA... i am ok with you thinking that...
  20. i do not make it a point to follow sowell, but, every time i read something of his... watch a video... even hear his damn name... i feel like i am doing myself an extreme disservice by not paying more attention to him...
  21. dude did not want to talk anything about how datunasvili baited him on his left... pushing bisultanov's left shoulder down to get him to open up 2 millimeters on the right for the arm throw... it was just pushing... duh... he "knows" greco... i tried... i really did... it was like picking on a cripple and i do not necessarily feel good about it, but, he had an opportunity here... no third chances...
  22. quoted because if it makes someone read it again then my work here is done...
  23. seriously, if you or anyone is considering going, i would suggest booking hotels now... most years it is the same weekend as the NFL draft...
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