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Everything posted by AgaveMaria

  1. At the light weight I'll take Uetake and Steven Abas over Spencer.
  2. He was not top 5 but my vote for most entertaining Heavyweight goes to Curly Culp at Arizona State where he won the School its first NCAA title in wrestling. He was non stop on the mat and sounded like a Steam Engine as he plowed forward and took opponents apart. Played Football at ASU and then in the Pro's and is in the NFL Hall of Fame.
  3. Cael would be too fast for him. Even though Cael did not like wrestling physical types and bulls he would have picked Snyder apart with takedowns. This IF Snyder could drop down to 197 for the matches in College Prime condition.
  4. Most of Wilt Chamberlains Track & Field feats are on the record as he did them in College meets. They are not made up. Remember that he AVERAGED 50 points a game one season - with no 3 point shot. He also averaged 48.5 minutes per game for a whole season. He was an excellent athlete. He even played a season after College with the Harlem Globetrotters.
  5. Sanders NIL money and other funds are hiding behind corporate walls. More money coming to these kids will really open the doors to those looking to take advantage of these athletes. We are dealing with many coming into money with no experience handling large sums. We know Pro Sports millionaires are bye and large terrible money managers. Younger athletes most likely won't be any better. Colleges & Universities better have a crash program on financial management for these kids. How anyone, much less a kid from Neon Dieon's orbit can claim NO knowledge of a lawsuit like this is mind boggling. Young and Stupid is not an excuse and this court judgment is not even from grifters working the system. More money involved means more predators coming after it.
  6. Only thing I really think is WHY was it seems Karelin was the only wrestler everyone was scared of? Why could he pick up a guy off the mat & throw him around like a baloney sandwich - and apparently no one else at any weight could do it?
  7. On the forums is one thing. A few loud voices posting can be ignored. More difficult to do in live events. Worst College crowds I ever saw were at BYU. Wrestling and Gymnastics and Swimming weren't bad but get into baskeball and football and you had everything from throwing things to racial epithets. Iowa was much more civil.
  8. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/deions-son-shilo-sanders-facing-legal-mess-after-filing-for-bankruptcy/ar-BB1n31Kn https://www.blackenterprise.com/shilo-sanders-new-questions-bankruptcy/ One kid with a big name from a family with loud mouths. NIL, Payback money and all the rest. Big Business with big problems as greed proliferates on all levels. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/he-was-the-13-million-qb-recruit-now-he-s-suing-the-boosters-who-never-paid-up/ar-BB1mMSgN Maybe in the future wrestlers and other athletes will be considering which college to attend based on how big the Law School is there?
  9. He's staying away from Joey. After all, the guy was killed in a gunfight and Brooks is scared of guns.
  10. Just as clear that Iowa wrestler Ed Banach was a lock for four titles before he won his third by demolishing Mark Schultz.
  11. David Taylor comes in with Penn State ideas and experience. John Smith was known for getting frustrated at the lack of technical excellence in his wrestlers even as he showed in his demeanor matside. We saw Smith's knowledge on display as he commented on mike at the Olympic Games. Pointing out options, missed opportunities and often two or three things the wrestlers could/should be doing. Somehow he was not getting this knowledge to his OSU wrestlers on the mat and it hurt the team. What do we expect with David Taylor? A Cael clone? That hasn't really worked for those who wrestled under Dan Gable. What changes do we expect to see on the mat now?
  12. You may have something here. Iowa training is known to be hard on guys and transfers who come in don't seem to get any better - Real Woods being a good example. He seemed to lose more than he gained. Penn State may be hurting themselves with the limited schedule. Yep, winning Titles but doing the fans no favors. All the "fun", but not in seeing a lot of actual wrestling. The Sport probably sees more injury than any other than Gymnsatics and everyone competes while hurting. I prefer the Penn State mentality to the Iowa Grinders but somewhere we need to see more competition dates.
  13. Yep, to to the Squawkeyes, look good, get worn down and beat up in the room and stagnate even with great talent.
  14. What about Carter Young at 141? He should be OK with the knee by now. Not to mention he is #1 ranked on the All Time Cutie team... tho may have dropped to #3 after he cut his hair.
  15. Nope, not good for the sport. Fans want to watch the top competitors. Fans want good duals. Cael is managing things and winning, but the fans are losing. Some of his guys have fewer matches in a season that guys did in the 1940's.
  16. A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it is printed on. Circumstances vary but one had a tough time trying to enforce verbal agreements and promises.
  17. Nothing at all wrong with this to help fund his family expenses to the Olympic Games. They need some help, why not give it to them?
  18. On the Iowa board. Are they really letting this guy back in the room? Is it because of his Daddy? Or, are others who gambles coming back for another season?
  19. You should have seen Wilt Chamberlain. Track & field to basketball to Hank Stram trying to sign him to play football for the Kansas City Chiefs. He tested well and Stram wanted to sign him but Wilt decided not to do it. He was an amazing athlete. ------------------ ""Greatest athlete" you gotta be good in at least 2 sports like Bo Jackson or Deion Sanders but I'd bet there might be a 3 sport example even better." Try Otto Graham. Won a title as a Player for the Rochester Royals in Basketball before becoming a Pro Football Quarterback. In Football his team played in the Title Game for Ten straight seasons.
  20. Why? If he wins he goes on to try for a few World Titles as well. Only makes sense to add more if he really is that good.
  21. On the Jesus stuff... him polishing the Bowling Ball in THE BIG LEBOWSKI sure does a lot to help one believe. You can really see Jesus Power on display.
  22. John Smith and Dan Gable going in the room with their wrestlers. You can include Mark Schultz in the conversation. They are killers. David Taylor is very good, but not a killer. There is a difference. You could see it on the mat with these guys and their attitude.
  23. Which direction do I turn at Yellow Corners to get there?
  24. How will he do in the interviews after matches compared to Tom Brands? Will be interesting to see Iowa vs OSU on the mat.
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