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Everything posted by BigRedFan

  1. BigRedFan


    Stanich goes down in OT to Nebraska's Smith.
  2. Ran fine with my setup: ESPN app on my iPad using AirPlay to my LG TV, MacBook Pro streaming from the ESPN website to a monitor, iPhone giving me text mat assignments from Track. Maybe it is a you problem?
  3. BigRedFan


    He frustrated Vito in their EIWA match. At least Vito didn't give up multiple stalling points!
  4. Cornella withdrew a couple of days ago, due to injury.
  5. BigRedFan


    Uh, Crooham won 4-3, giving up two points on three stall calls. You must have watched a different match than was streamed.
  6. Shaved, tapered, wearing my paper suit (we're talking late 1980s!), diving into an 8' deep pool that had that silver filtration system (basically drinking water) that made the water invisible, for warmup the day of competition was unbelievable. Couldn't see or feel the water. Cleveland State University pool.
  7. Content will be available during and after each session, and retained for 30 days on the ESPN+ site. You can't download the streams (this ain't Netflix!).
  8. From Track's home page, click "Browse" on the top (Click #1) Click "Tournaments" (Click #2) Under "Popular Tournaments," click "2024 NCAA Division I..." (Click #3) Click "Brackets" (Click #4) Select "141" from the drop-down menu (Click #5)
  9. Correct. No harm done, as the alternate mechanism was established for just such occasions. But someone's got an axe to grind, it seems.
  10. Cornella out. People move up.
  11. Nope. Mat 1: 125, 197 prelims, then 125 Mat 2: 133, 285 prelims, then 125 All other prelims follow in weight class order on mats 3-8. First three rounds of matches are all prelims and all 125 matches.
  12. If you go to trackwrestling, they have a page with three deep mat assignments. For instance, at the beginning every mat has a prelim match, and mats 1 and 2 have two prelim matches. First round matches commence on each mat after all the preceding prelims on that mat are finished.
  13. I'm sorry, but nobody who is actually going to file a lawsuit posts a warning about it on social media beforehand.
  14. NBC owns the rights to all things Olympic for 2024. So some NBC variant or Peacock. Good luck figuring out where!
  15. There are no "auto invites," except for those who earned them. Fix via being a 2019 World Team member, Vito via being a Senior World champion in 2023. Starocci has no such palmares. His only way in is by being a 2024 NCAA champion. There is a Last Chance qualifier on 4/5-7, which would give Starocci less than two weeks to make 74kg. So go from 179lbs to 163 in twelve days.
  16. FWIW, Fix and Vito have qualified for the OTT this year. Starocci has not; he needs to win the NCAAs this week to qualify for the OTT. Extra incentive for him to compete.
  17. Any injury that would cause them to forfeit out of the NCAA tournament would also cause them to not compete at the OTT. Just not enough time to heal, train, etc., to be competitive.
  18. BS. You started a thread about "ducking." You seem to be now saying that anytime a wrestler doesn't take the mat *for any reason*, he's ducking.
  19. Give it a rest, already. Vito has been and still is injured (more seriously than people realize) all season. A healthy Vito Arujau doesn't duck anyone. Why do you think he only had 11 matches prior to the EIWA tournament?
  20. At least there will be an alternate at 141 if Cornella can't compete, so Coach Grey can't pull a full Suriano. So we have Starocci, Griffith, and Cornella who are entered but have serious injury issues. Anyone else?
  21. In 2023, Cardenas lost to Beard in the dual, and beat him in the EIWA finals. He then took 8th at NCAA from the 10th seed. This year, he lost to Beard and Deprez in their duals, and beat Deprez and took Beard to OT at the EIWA finals. That, too, is being a "tournament guy."
  22. Is this the Ramirez who beat defending champ Griffith, beat finalist Monday twice, and beat former champion Carr?
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