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Everything posted by BigRedFan

  1. Both Vito and Fix indicated in their post-final interviews that they'd be now focused on cutting down to 57kg for the OTT. (Someone asked Vito what he weighed at NCAAs. Vito: <looking around confusedly) "133?")
  2. Shapiro scored only one fewer points than Yianni did last year. Vito scored two more than last year, so these two outscored Vito/Yianni from last year. Foca was 12 points lower, and Cardenas was 9 points higher this year.
  3. Vito "only" majored his way through to the finals, and beat the undefeated #1, undefeated #2, and #3 seeds. How does that happen, and has it happened before? Brooks beat the #33, #17, #8, and #12 seeds on his way to the finals. (FWIW, this is the second NCAA tournament in which Vito beat two undefeated opponents)
  4. Has it occurred to anyone else that that is the wrong strategy? You attack the healthy leg, because the injured leg isn't as effective at pushing off (presumably). Make the opponent need to use his injured body part.
  5. There's a War On Christmas (TM); don't you watch Fox News?
  6. And with that Iowa State drops Iowa to fifth in the team standings. Hawkeye Report must be on suicide watch.
  7. Foca gave an interview and said he is sitting out the fall semester to be able to wrestle in 2025. Fernandes told me, in person, that he will be working on Wall Street next year.
  8. Foca is committed to Cornell, and Fernandes is going to Wall Street, so no poetry.
  9. Members of Foca's army said he's interested in Michigan among other schools.
  10. Vito is so fast that he'd beat Fix to the line and be waiting for him there.
  11. BigRedFan


    Vito did that "attack from ten feet out" thing in two or three of his matches.
  12. With 7.5 bonus points, Shapiro has as much as Brooks.
  13. Vito is back. No knee wrap, shooting for seven minutes non-stop. He took one shot from about ten feet away (literally).
  14. And cyclist. He was riding that bike quite a bit at the end (two stall calls, plus about two that should have been called).
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