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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. It's a wrap... tOSU 38 - MichSt 7
  2. ... but don't want to miss Saldate pinfall
  3. I'm watching tOSU, not to be confused with OkSt. As far as OSU... I don't follow Oregon.
  4. Ha! The peace sign and olive branch were meant for Rasta... Husker and I are a completely different matter!
  5. I know I've posted it before, but I just can't say enough good things about this Friday night Duals gig. Let's go!
  6. Similarly, I bought myself a Kindle for Christmas. Thought I'd streamline the process of reading by eliminating unnecessary trips to the libraries and bookstores. Just brought a couple books back to the library (boring financial stuff), but the Kindle is still sitting on the right side of my desk. With zero hours on it so far. I'm making a 2/15 resolution to fire it up at least once a month. (My podcast/Libby catcher gets almost no days off.) So much content, so little time.
  7. That is a really good question. His steady perspective and insightful wit aren't something we often see around here.
  8. Here's the olive branch I've been continually trying to raise for peace... If peace bores you, then you should stick to being close minded and vindictive. It doesn't suit you, but it's your choice.
  9. Maybe, maybe not. The decision was obviously a bad one. How the decision was arrived at isn't necessarily as clear. It's anyone's guess.
  10. Art, you did get the part where I said that "it is well intentioned. It's just that it's bad.", right? It was in the 1st line of the post. Maybe you missed it?
  11. jfc. What you're posting here is not at all what I posted, but an edited, warped, and misleading version of it. My post is clearly that I believed the thought was well intentioned but that it is bad. And that I agreed 100% except that it was supported by both R's and D's, so I disagreed about blaming it on D's. You've twisted what I've said into something I did not. Dangerously close to posting like a downright evil Fox News loving bastard.
  12. This isn't something specific to Seattle. And the thought behind it is well intentioned. It's just that it's bad. In other states, same type of thing is being supported by R's as well as D's. I 100% agree with your point about the workers. But I disagree with you blaming it on the left and calling it a day. The end of the story should be focused on how to fix it. If the end of the story is focused on who to blame it on, it's just lazy. Don't stop there - keep going and contribute.
  13. I don't know AJ. But my guess is probabilistic.
  14. Which is essentially a new religion for many... and not a bad one. Better than some (the ones that demand followers to murder - for instance.) I'd next post here something about the OP - but let's be honest, AJ's future is limited. The model of unfulfilled potential.
  15. Friday, 6p CST Dance card is pretty full at that time with (4) other B1G matches going on.
  16. ... and then you immediately follow up your vindictive jerk post with yet more vindictive nonsense. If only we "could have open minded, objective participants acting in a non-partisan-vindictive manner" Yep - if only. Do I "see any chance in hell of that happening here??" Good suggestion! Maybe start with you, if you're up to it.
  17. Don't forget that I sent sentiments of peace and a peace sign a day ago. You responded like a jerk (again.) What part of peace and understanding isn't getting through to you? Start 'seriously' acting like you are open minded, objective and non-partisan. That will contribute. It starts with you. (Or just keep bitchin' like a jerk. Your choice.)
  18. I'm letting all of that slide. I don't know about the 'saving face' take... maybe it looks that way to some. Which is fine. I also don't know about any kind of 'getting emotional' and my 'feathers ruffled'... this was just another day at the IMW forums for me. Again, it may look that way to some. Which is fine. For me, the back and forth is routine - I really don't get ever too worked up about it. I am chill but won't back down from offensive online jerks. But still chill all through my replies. A lot of the wrestlers I know are the same way. We have a bad reputation for starting fights - but really, it's just that we don't back down. Confidence doesn't require us to prove anything. Any fights that get started are almost always started by the other guy.
  19. Whoa, I've interacted with you before. I think they have medication for that. Get medicated. You can't afford to get any dumber.
  20. The situation was no bigger or smaller of a deal than it actually was. In this case, it was dealt with by Bob Dole. Nicely done and also Making jokes when you have a clear understanding is great... But jokes out of ignorance result in nothing but ignorant jokes.
  21. It's OK for all to post all opinions. That's why we assemble here, and being uncomfortable is a given. When opinions freely fly, some folks will be uncomfortable - it can't be avoided. But you keep going back to the "deserve" spiel. That's judgmental BS. You are in no position to decide who deserves any one thing or another. Stop that crap, dummy.
  22. Want to know more about this place being 'hacked' the other night? Either ask here or send me a PM. I would be more than happy to explain it to you. If you don't understand it - that's OK. But maybe try not to make jokes? Ignorance tends to not be very funny. The good news is that Bob Dole - as expected - has it under control. He's been around this stuff for a long time!
  23. What I "deserve"?... pretty judgy - especially for an agnostic.
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