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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. I agree with some of what you post and disagree with some as well. I think the State of the Union address was impressive and contained a lot of answers. Then again, if you don't believe any of it - then we're back to square 1. The country is running better now than it has in since before Covid. That's just my opinion. I wouldn't dream of trying to change yours. (Wouldn't want to post like a "school mum"!)
  2. That's very likely true... and good to see you back. Excellent timing - the best wrestling of the year is about to get fired up. Not to be missed.
  3. Well, that doesn't sound all that good - I would hope we can do better than that! What are we talking about, let's dig in... what time does your flight land?
  4. Yes - of course I watched it. You can't be serious about the "I assume you watched all of it." It's over 2 hours. Have you ever watched a terrible video and couldn't even get through a fraction of it? Yeah, it's like that. I did fast forward to next sections, over and over and over again. Nothing better - just more terrible. More conspiracy BS bad.
  5. I like it. What's everyone else think? Time's a wastin'... let's get it locked in.
  6. The above is how a jagoff apologizes. A guy who makes random comments about another man's wife then follows it up with this pathetic crap. Yuck.
  7. Umm... OK, rain man. The fact that Trump continues to primarily repeat the lost election lies should be enough for any sane individual to at least start to question his motives. What kind of seriously maladjusted guy can't get over an election he lost in 2020? We're talking about deep self-esteem problems with this guy. Look closely at his campaigning. Mostly lost election lies and calling his opponents nasty names since 2014 - lying and being nasty is his thing. Be honest with yourself. What is he bringing to the table that could make a positive change for the country? I'll give you a hint - nothing. We have a country with a growing nastiness problem. Trump doesn't help one bit; he only makes it worse. Trump is just plain nasty.
  8. I agree with you on debating this issue intelligently. Too bad that the Trump nimrod isn't up to even a portion of your understanding, focus, or desire to debate. He just wants to get elected so he can gain immunity from prosecution... it's as simple as that. When will you "believers" wake up and smell the coffee? Trump is saying NONE of this. He's saying NONE of anything except the things his handlers will think will get him elected. He's a mushroom in a dark box. Repeating lost election lies and NOTHING that actually makes sense. Guys like you are doing the campaigning for him - because he's not up to it. What's amazing is that you got suckered into being a pawn in that political game.
  9. Yet another conspiracy theory film... Won't be pirated, will barely be watched by anyone except for some crazies. The "meat and potatoes" lack both potatoes and meat. If you meant outright stupid, then you'd be correct. Zero of 10 stars.
  10. Oh boy - now a poster claims "collusion"... And you're on board with yet another conspiracy theory. Geez. You do know you can stop supporting conspiracy theories - right?
  11. Duke just lit you up and is obviously exponentially more experienced than you are here. You are no more than a turd bringing a fork to a gun fight.
  12. As long as you're chiming in on the thread - how do you feel about the idea that "nobody cares" about snow removal businesses? Your opinion is quite welcome.
  13. After reading your last few posts that don't mention the "subject at hand." What don't you get? You're inviting replies that are off-subject with your off-subject posts, you twat. Stop crying about me calling you an idiot... I didn't, but I easily could have. My point is that you're a disgrace - and now you're posting about another guy's wife to prove it.
  14. Hold on a sec. Willie is the absolute dullest knife in the drawer when it comes to anything but HS wrestling. College wrestling? He's mediocre at best. Talks a big game, has shown he knows little. HS wrestling? I heard that's his thing. I don't follow HS wrestling much so I don't have an opinion either way. Grilling and smoking meats? He's an absolute amateur and DAF. Why Willie continues to be a threatening asshole around here is beyond me. Hey Willie - stop threatening people! It makes this place worse, not better. Stop being an asshat.
  15. Snow removal businesses are very real. And your crappy post that nobody cares about them isn't funny. It was careless and stupid. Get your shit together. If you have something against small business, just say it. Otherwise STFU about a topic you don't understand.
  16. In all seriousness, those in the snow removal business are obviously feeling pain. And many are seriously hurting right now in Minnesota... can't pay their bills. And next - the resort owners who are depending on reliable fishing this coming season, are scared as he**.
  17. An instant classic. It was like referencing Socrates about the earth being round, then claiming he meant the world was flat and that everyone "familiar with the situation" knew he really meant flat. There's normal crazy... and then there's this kind of crazy.
  18. Sure ... ~5-8pm'ish while we're taking wide swipes at it. Have to start somewhere. I still like the Sun/17 evening, but I'm good with Fri/15 or Sat/16 if better for other folks. No big rush but might as well get a start on whittling down the schedule.
  19. I'm thinking the evening (like 6pm) of Sun 3/17 ... next best would be the same for Mon 3/18. Sunday evenings are typically quiet for most, seems like a good fit.
  20. ... Pfffff. The old shrinking violet ploy. Ha! I do think you can do better.
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