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Everything posted by Bardamu911

  1. not sure what you did there but that is *not* my avatar...am I getting made fun of here or something?
  2. I can't imagine any program would touch AJ at this point
  3. I agree with you 100% but sadly we're in the minority here. I'm gonna get dragged to hell here but I swear those champions who rushed over to shake hands with him now have a stain on them that won't wash off. It's not like some random politician who we happen to disagree with, it's a man who actively continues to try to undermine our democracy. Acknowledging that makes us snowflakes? well ok then let it snow.
  4. Ritchie Figs just upset a top ten guy and he's not even the starter...why not? where's Brandon Courtney? anyone know what's going on with the 125ers in Tempe?
  5. recency bias maybe but I'm going with Zahid edit: or maybe my eskimo brother Dan St John should also get some love.
  6. anyone know why Brandon Courtney didn't wrestle?
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