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Everything posted by Threadkilla

  1. Thank you. I guess we'll find out next week.
  2. There seemed to be some animosity with DT's team except for Gilman.
  3. You should contact the USOC and see what you can do to help. USOC cleared him to wrestle at the trials, he said he expects clearance by next week internationally. I was just quoting the Vid.
  4. It sounds like M2 Mark Mcknight is now the head coach at M2.
  5. I don't know about Nick, but Zain works for some financial firm.
  6. He also suggests that Nick Lee or Zain should take over for Kennedy.
  7. It's a good listen. His script was for Vyvanse, not Adderall and it sounds like he has been cleared.
  8. Why don't you name the top 5 athletes that have left Caels program that rescinded their loyalty to PSU. I'll spot you Suriano. Who knows where his loyalties lie. You know D1 college wrestlers have options after college right? 4 Time NCAA champs more than most. I guarantee there are people that will come out of the woodwork to sponsor him and hire him.
  9. DT slightly better than Brands on the mic.
  10. Is the big guy Eric Thompson? I thought it was Shane Gillis initially. Colton Schultz coach.
  11. I was wrong about Jim Carrey, I saw an interview he did about woke culture and spirituality and he seemed sincere. He claims he is antiwoke, but he speaks out of both sides of his mouth literally and figuratively..
  12. He beat an asian guy with a 2x4 when he was a teenager on PCP, he's now in his mid 50's, he went to jail for it and asked for forgiveness. He now devotes time and money to intercity youth programs.
  13. Boogie nights was nearly 30 years ago. He also played a war hero in Lone Survivor. He has addressed his "Racist Tendencies", which were when he was a teen and reflection seemed to change him. I don't claim to know another mans heart, but I think redemption is real.
  14. It was obviously the plan, it is their M.O.
  15. Many 'Civilians' in Palestine are parts of other radical terrorist organizations. Hesbullah has a presence. PLO and about 10 other organizations that are recognized as terrorists by the west that call for the extermination of Israel. Hamas.,Palestine Islamic Jihad. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. Popular Resistance Committees (PRC). Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC), Harakat al-Sabireen. Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF)
  16. I'll have to check it out, Katt has been spitting alot of truth since his interview with Shannon Sharp last year. He said they were going to start coming for Diddy in 2024> Hollywood is scared. Oprah anf Ellen, Actors, Will Smith, rappers, comedians, politicians and a couple Evangelists (TD Jakes ) are all involved. He said he was happy to go to a Diddy party years ago, and walked by a room and saw stuff he could't unsee.
  17. You may be right about Rainn Wilson. but, Jim Carrey had an awakening, he was absolutely crazy, but he made a Russell Brand style turnaround.
  18. What's this no longer bullshit, the US has a treaty with Mexico and Canada. If Mexicans are caught they are sent back. The problem all along has been people coming from other countries that don't have a treaty that are welcomed with open arms. I posted a video several months ago Peter Santanello at the border, they had wheelbarrows full of IDs from China, Pakistan, South America and places all over the Middle East.
  19. Yeah, Nothing to see there,. But there are other graphs showing the same thing in battleground states. Einstein institute publishes these reports for every election. One would appear to be an anomaly, but when you have several they show a spike for one candidate, it's a little fishy. I won't engage with you any further on that, cuz you're not going to convince me otherwise. You go right ahead if it makes you feel better.
  20. Yep, if you can't see it you're beyond help.
  21. I've heard that, along with Jim Carrey, Dennis Quaid, Rainn Wilson. Stallone and Morgan Freeman.
  22. Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg are still 2 of the most unwoke actors along with Woody Harrelson and his unconfirmed brother Matthew McConaughey.
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