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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I have advocated for this at the conference level for damn near ever. You could go back to the late 80s and I would have told you the same thing.
  2. Spratley should definitely be in the Top Tier as well.
  3. What? I'm calling it. I win. You lose.
  4. Feldman needs to get a tank back and past whatever mental hurdle stopped him from pulling the trigger against Trephan. Trephan did weigh in at 255lbs, but I don't think it was a size thing. Geog just got brutalized against Hidlay... not getting pinned won them the dual, though (on top of the three pins and Welsh victory at 174). Rogotzke has a better chance to pin just about anyone, but if he isn't winning against guys like Fishback then I think you keep in on Redshirt. Chase weighed in at 166lbs... I hope he's not the answer at 174. Wilcox or Hepner would be better options if Welsh is to remain on Redshirt. I say pull the shirt, though. Wilcox needs to be winning those matches against guys like Fields. I still hope it's Hepner that gets the eventual nod come B1Gs. Paddy is looking much improved from last year, which is impressive being that him dropping to 157 was sort of a late decision and last year it seemed that weight management was his major problem. I am impressed with his progression. For those keeping track, he is 16W - 4L on the season. He was 12W - 11L last year. He has avenged on loss (to Block of UNI yesterday) and his other three losses are to two gents who are looking to contend come NCAAs in Scott (4-2) and Andonian (7-4, 8-2). DD is wrestling good tight matches against guys who will contend for a title this year (Sans Lovett/Parco...). He is also wrestling good, tight matches against guys who are fringe NQ type guys. He is 16W-4L on the season, but 4W-4L against gents rated in the Top 33 on Wrestlestat. I think he is still adjusting to the weight a bit (these guys got quite a bit more horse than 141lbers) and will settle come B1G season. Mendez is going to be a problem come NCAAs. He is right there to contend. Bouzakis had a roller-coaster weekend. Lost to a Fringe NQ guy, pinned a returning high AA guy. Hopefully we see him lean towards the latter as far as peak ability and not the former. McCrone decked an obviously ailing Comacho (he went 0W-3L on the day...). I don't think we should put much stock in that.
  5. I didn't establish it. You did. I just pointed it out. Irrelevant to the challenge, either way. Please advise. I have my victory parade already set for 12:00 PM Noon (US - Eastern). I would like to conclude our business by then.
  6. No. Just having fun. I challenged you to do something. Do you accept defeat or are you going to do it?
  7. If you can show me one post where I brag about myself in an actual manner and not a trolly or joking sense, I will apologize for doing so. I am not better than anybody here - not even you. That said, I know I can count and I know I can read good...** **Disclaimer - These statements are not true once the equivalent of three gallons of alcoholic beverages have been consumed
  8. I did say so. Can you not read? Shit... you can't count either? Tough luck there. Is it the dickslicksia?
  9. The fact you're still on about it shows that you actually are jealous. Cute.
  10. This sounds as if you are jealous. Don't be.
  11. Damn. Bozo is a scary-ass word. Quakin' in my shakin' boots.
  12. Hepner, Hoffman, and Feldman would like a word.
  13. Aye yeah it can be. It is also safe to assume the troll in me, so I get that, I absolutely do.
  14. You know what was badass? Someone was having difficulty with their stream today for Journeymen. They tagged Journeymen. Journeymen responded, fixed it, and put on a badass product. It is impossible to do that with Flo. I am an asshole about it, but many others are not. They are polite and constructive and all Spey can do is be a snarky piece of shit about it regardless of who it is.
  15. Mine as well. To be clear: I enjoy you. I dislike stupid. You have said a couple zingers the last few days that made me go ... I wouldn't intentionally sneer another simple fan like myself for no reason. There are those I would, you are not one. You win this one, though. I missed the last half of the Feldman match being a dick.
  16. You say stupid shit. It's like we could ask you what 3+1 is after telling you 1+3=4 and you would try to not answer. I didn't seek you out. I legitimately answered a question for you in hopes to help you immediately tune in. You decided then that it was prudent to be an idiot. That is your bad, not mine.
  17. You never answered me earlier, and this response of yours has me genuinely curious as well. Why are you so ***ducking** stupid sometimes?
  18. If Kharchla being out for good is true, then there were zero ducks there. Champions... Both squads.
  19. After losing to ACC's Pitt just the other day, no less.
  20. My perspective is you have the intellectual capacity of a ***ducking** gnat.
  21. Great. I missed basically all of HWT. WTF happened there?
  22. @Hammerlock3 Now can I go back to the regular broadcast?
  23. @Hammerlock3 https://www.tournaflex.com/splat.asp?target=brackets1.htm Full Boxscores from today.
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