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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/11947972-abdulrashid-sadulaev-back-in-action-at-european-championships
  2. Tank is back at 97 KG. Chamizo up to 79 KG. Micic up at 74 KG. Finesilver as the 86 KG guy and the gun guy at 92 KG for Israel. Like 15 Americans at 65 KG.
  3. These rankings are trash in so many areas...
  4. We agree it was a mistake. It still happened, though. I won't believe it can't happen because it absolutely could.
  5. How many matches did Joe Smith win in 2018-19 at 165 prior to taking the spot from Chandler Rogers after their wrestleoff?
  6. Kind of my point, isn't it? Smith doesn't do that, though. Results are results to him. Unless he has changed suddenly.
  7. Not really the point. Williams beat him in competition. They wrestle at a school that has used wrestleoffs to determine who goes at the end if the season, if they are both NQ caliber gents. Obviously you know they train together.
  8. He might be wrestling real well right now, but he didn't when it mattered at NCAAs last year. He failed to place whereas Elam brough homr 3rd. Elam hasn't lost this year (yet). Buchanan beat Elam last time they wrestled, so he gets the benefit of the doubt there. Whereas we might predict Beard beats one and/or both, that is not how rankings work. Rankings work off actual results not projected results or current momentum. Beard is 'rated' as #3 by Wrestlestat because it is not a ranking service.
  9. Why not? He beat Teague in competition. Also, I did say IF.
  10. You say "No way." with Smith having a history of trusting the wrestleoff. If Williams were to go up and beat Teague (again) then why would he not get the nod?
  11. If Alvarez has cemented himself over Williams, then might we see Williams at 157? He defeated Teague this year.
  12. He got destroyed by Hidlay. His #7 ranking reflects that.
  13. I would say Cornell at 184 has to be mentioned.
  14. Well you're not just an idiot, but a broke one. Thank you for being wrong again, West Coast Dan The Man. Also... picking on a 'so-called' 3rd grader gets you off there, bud? Gross.
  15. Because it is true, mate.
  16. Aside for Lewan, Amine, and to some extent Griffith, I like how the gents have wrestled. Davison and DeAuggie didn't give up when they could easily have done so.
  17. Davis should have been the #1 already. He beat the guy who beat the guy.
  18. Man... imagine if Brooks went up and put it on Davison...
  19. I want to see what this version of Kerk does to Davison.
  20. Griffith is getting ridden by a 157lber. He can't ***ducking** get out. This is a home meet and it's ***ducking** pathetic.
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