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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. @VakAttack And this goes for anyone else as well. I believe I had paid for someone else last year - was anyone else wanting in that might want to use that offer again? I will pay on Sunday and wait for those who might want/need to join the help.
  2. Was it the shoes? We all knew about the shoes, though.
  3. Honestly, looking further in to some of the other weights, it makes me think that they took in to last years results as well. Either at EIWA, NCAA, or both. I get that to an extent. Still a no-brainer oversight.
  4. If they were to come out and say 'Hey. We used a ratings system that is based purely on metrics.' then I would actually be satisfied... to an extent. I would have still expected some sort of coach review. It shouldn't have to just be the Binghamton coach (who should have said WTF with DePrez at 197 AND Nolan at 184) that should have pointed out "Hey... wtf... that is dumb." Unless all the coaches are clueless as to what is happening within the conference, particularly the #1 ranked/rated school (Cornell). If that is the case, then I think we aren't asking enough of head coaches. Seems quite simple. Keep in mind two from every conference do the coaches ranking, which is part of the AQ and seeding criteria for NCAAs.
  5. What makes this horrendously stupid is that the change was basically due to the other wrestler being injured. Brands didn't want to do a wrestle-off between the two while Schriever was considerably hindered by injury. The NCAA is supposed to be a proponent for safety are they not? So penalize Schriever, potentially, for being forced to wrestle with a lingering injury... possibly permanently injuring him (no clue the details or how bad it could have been, but theoretically speaking I am not incorrect). Add it to the long list of stupid things. The B1G needs to get their shit together if they're going to leave the NCAA with the SEC. Hopefully they keep wrestling when they do.
  6. I get what you're saying, but it's opposite. DePrez's coaches at Binghamton didn't challenge. Seems odd. Appears they got hosed at 184lbs as well. Nolan's only loss was to Foca, the #1 seed. I don't see how a guy who is 19W-1L with one loss to the 1 seed gets seeded below a 18W-5L guy who lost to the 19W-1L guy and the 1 seed as well as two other guys non-conference. It is clear as day that it is wrong. DePrez over Cardenas via DEC 7-3 Stout, Princeton - DePrez win via MAJ 12-2 - Cardenas win via DEC 4-2 Araneo, Brown - DePrez win via MAJ 16-2 - DePrez win via MAJ 14-2 - Cardenas win via PIN 4M52S Whitworth, Harvard - DePrez win via PIN 2M45S - Cardenas win via TECH 16-1 Hopkins, Campbell - DePrez win via TECH 17-2 - Cardenas win VIA MAJ 13-3 Beard, Lehigh - DePrez loss via MAJ 12-1 - Cardenas loss via DEC 10-3 Are they counting destructo-losses to Hidlay (2x) and Sloan as a good thing?
  7. They have hundreds of backlogged videos to make us think they are for thr next three years.
  8. We don't need anyone getting any ideas anywhere, at all here... but rhe Kardashians were famous from a murder trial amd then Kim went and got her family really paid with that first sex tape. If that trial never happened or there was a differemt defense attorney we know nothing of them. If Kim doesn't leak that first sex tape, they aren't rich. Thr Focus family is running around sexually and physically assaulting people. These are not the same.
  9. Is anyone else more than slightly annoyed that DePrez is the #3 seed and Cardenas the #2 Seed? How?
  10. If Zahid had joined team Mexico, they could have qualified 97 KG as well.
  11. He extended himseld too far. He went upper body against someone who he should not have. Then it was the quicksand from there.
  12. Sure you were. Your anti-American rhetoric is embarrassing.
  13. Puerto Rico is legitimately part of the US, dipshit. They legitimately have congress representation.
  14. Damn. It is so hard to not feel for Richards there. Stoked for Gomez and Cruz... but Lee and Richards not winning hurts my heart.
  15. To do what? Also lose? Because that was all he did, too.
  16. Also, I know it is Folkstyle and they aren't the same thing... but for shits and giggles I went and seen how Wrestlestat compares Gomez and McNeil... and they're saying it is very much a match, which I believe. Respect what Gomez has done, but he has exerted a shit tonne of energy to get that win, whereas McNeil has been on the mat like 65 seconds total.
  17. He beats everyone not named David Taylor for those who don't claim Myles Amine (I do).
  18. Valencia beating Torreblanca is a far bigger upset. Guy has won six golds at the Pan Ams since 2015 and a silver. Here is his results against USA on the Senior MFS circuit... - 2023 Pan Am Games - WIN over Mark Hall via DEC 3-1 - 2023 Pan Am Champs - WIN over Mark Hall via TECH 14-4 - 2020 Pan Am OGQ - LOSS to David Taylor via DEC 8-0 - 2020 Pan Am Champs - WIN over Alex Dieringer via DEC 2-1 - 2019 Worlds - LOSS to Myles Amine via DEC 3-2 - 2019 Pan Am Games - WIN over Patrick Downey III via DEC 7-2 - 2018 Worlds - LOSS to David Taylor via DEC 8-0 - 2018 Pan Am Champs - LOSS to David Taylor via DEC 3-2 - 2018 Yariguin - Loss to David Taylor via DEC 4-4 - 2017 Pan Am CHamps - WON over Gabe Dean via DEC 6-4 For Valencia to beat him is a great feather in his cap.
  19. Johnny D also got handled by Gomez when last they wrestled. He can STFU.
  20. So Anthony Valencia beat Torreblanca. The same Torreblanca that was like 15-0 against Blue Dragons Jr.
  21. It wasn't me. I let my bias fanboyism control my destiny, even if I know I am not going to win.
  22. I would rather not Zoom for the specificity of keeping it exclusive to these forums, @VakAttack. Also, I am old and technology sucks.
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