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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Quite a bit to digest there, I guess? A lot of bullshit, as it were. Once again skating around. In any case, we are projecting the same result: A Penn State victory. All I said was it could be close - multiple times. You said otherwise - multiple times. It doesn't matter because I am a fraud, though. This thread clearly shows that. I believe this is where someone usually says 'As you were...' or something along those lines?
  2. Well, you are wrong there. I created the thread. Also, if you could read, comprehend, or discuss matters in the slightest - in a nontoxic manner, you would already know and understand thay I also did and will pick Penn State to win. You brought in that micropeen energy clamoring about how ridiculous it was that Cornell could keep it close. Cornell kept it close last year when the Cornell squad wasn't as good or deep as this year's team and the Penn State squad was better or deeper than this year's team. Like... it effected you on such a cellular level. If this weren't some bbs I would say it's almost disturbing.
  3. You re-elect the moat evil cunt in the history of Michigan governors? That is including the past one that knowingly segregated and poisoned an entire region with lead pipes. A write-in option of a dead hamster would have been a better choice.
  4. You're off your marbles, mate. In what universe is 133, 174, and 197 not a match that could go either way? Do I believe Penn State is favored, as I have said several times? Absolutely. Am I going to be shocked if Arujau, Foca, or Cardenes win? Absolutely not. It was a 21-16 dual last year and it wasn't sealed until Kerk beat Fernandez in the final match of the dual via 5-0 Decision. Penn State lost a 2x NC at 141 and have new faces at 125, 141, 149, and 165. To think Cornell can't keep it close is preposterous.
  5. I have McGee by Major at 133, O'Toole via Pin at 165, and Elam via Major at 197. 23-13 Mizzou.
  6. Which Penn State is likely still the favorite down the line, but Cornell can absolutely win it. They have more room for error now is all.
  7. Minnow said he broke his peck? Maybe he meant lips? Because then he couldn't be smoochy, smoochy? Also, FIFY.
  8. It is warming to see so much support for him and his in this time of sorrow. I challenge everyone who reads this to participate in any way that they can. Show them that the wrestling community takes care of their own.
  9. If only there was a way you could prove it... an archive of... sorts... or something... ish...?
  10. 2026-ish. I think he is a frosh in HS thid year? That would make it 2026, yes... if he doesn't reclassify.
  11. He had a gap year last year. Lajoie is not an actual true frosh. He just got caught in that confusing crossfire/exodus from Cornell to Stanford. I think this is his 3rd proper season out of high school. His senior year in high schoolhe ended up going up to 145 to try to stop a 4xer from being a 4xer when he was a proper 132(130)lber. He chased (no pun intended) the big matches.
  12. One thing to consider is that Jac has been wrestling High School 120lbers. Different animal and up in weight here.
  13. 17-2 for Ramos with over three minutes of riding time. I would say that was relatively easy for him.
  14. Looking forward to Chayse Lajoie at 141lbs. The kid is a gamer.
  15. Direct link, gents: https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/predefinedtournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=685927132
  16. There are no rules saying any of those have to be completed in four years, or five, or any other number Also, see the Mattin brothers at Michigan. They all have been redshirtted. They are all pre-med as a first priority and a wrestler later.
  17. What you say makes a lot of sense, yes. The problem is thinking about it as if they are student-athletes. That is what is commonly sold to us, the consumer. The truth and reality if it is that they are financial assets and every college is a business, often times a state run one. Ergo, if money is to be made, they will try to make more of it. The lesser time (years) the kids have in school with less time exploiting their name, image, likeness, and athletic prowess then that means the less peak profit they stand to have.
  18. Well he did say "this weekend" but I'm pretty sure he was talking about ping pong. They had free time after weighins I said OP 'thread topic' brada.
  19. You're drunk. Aren't you? I rarely make sense.
  20. nhs67


    I was bouncing between mats on the TV (roku). I had the track dashboard up. If I wanted to catch a specific match I would cast it to the roku as well. I had no issues there.
  21. I suppose the OP didn't say 'Hamiti is going to beat Carr on 11/5/22' for the thread topic. It can be used as an open ended statement, right? Hell, it could even be used for like ping pong or bowling or something else, right?
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