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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. He get's nailed twice while running that ankle (stall)ride and his entire game is going to change. Tha rule that makes that ankle stall(ride) irrelevant will be as difficult for Starocci to adjust to as the danger rule was for Heil.
  2. Starocci is the biggest staller for as dominant as he is, it's ridiculous. Just like Heil, when they changed the danger zone rules, if they change the top stalling rules this offseason he will take some losses next year.
  3. One of two things will happen. Either the B1G will establish themselves as a National conference and extend their reach into the Southeast as well as the Northwest or the SEC will. Unfortunately for every other conference it isn't going to really matter what they do. The Power 5 is the Power 2 now and the other three are the Slightly More Power conferences. Honestly the ACC might be a clear step ahead of the B12 and the P12 in that regard. The MAC is basically safe. I don't see any of them leaving for the C-USA. They may not try adding anyone either. The Sun Belt has quietly and quickly become the strongest non-Power 5 conference and it is actually perplexing to me.
  4. I think Facundo beats Mesenbrink. That doesn't mean Facundo wins the spot, though. He wrestles very close matches. He loses matches against worse wrestlers.
  5. Pretty soon people are going to have to respect that Michigan is going to be in the conversation for every transfer as well. They have Cliff Keen money and in wrestling they are everywhere.
  6. In any case Nebraska was but no longer is a member of the AAU.
  7. I would expect some sort if invite to Oregon and Washington from the B1G as well.
  8. He didn't retain Steveson. While he didn't go to another NCAA school, he has been in school.
  9. Anyone care to take a stab as to how some of these weights will be seeded for Senior Men's Freestyle? What is the seeding criteria here? Keep in mind seeding doesn't take into account Folkstyle results and they typically have put a two year time threshold for results. That would lend one to believe that Spencer Lee may be drawn in and not seeded.
  10. So you're saying they need Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, and Starlord again?
  11. Until he steps on the mat to wrestle, I don't know man. I hope he wrestles.
  12. @Mike Parrish, I don't think she'll be a problem in a couple if weeks... looks a big heavier than 53 KG...
  13. A ) He is referring to his story, not to me, so that is the 2nd time you are taking something out of it's context and assuming toxic shit. B ) Move on, dipshit.
  14. Apparently Michigan has offers out to both Cannon and DeAuggie on one end and Griffith on the other end. Michigan is going to be a big player in NIL.
  15. The invitation is always there. You seem to be a generally intelligent poster, typically, and I don't bite (hard).
  16. Ignorance is ignorance. You should move on from this subject. Your ass is showing. I invite you to discuss this further via private messaging if you like.
  17. As I said with Option A.
  18. A ) You understand that you are merely showing your interpretation of a very toxic choice from your own mindset, correct? B ) I am a black man who grew up during the most violently racist time in Detroit's history - IN DETROIT. GTFOH
  19. So basically a tactical nuke then, yeah? Kid already looks like an absolute animal. If he fills out to 6'4/5" and keeps that speed he is going to be lethal at the International level.
  20. Even without hindsight Spencer at -3000 was a bad bet. Many people on here and other outlets gave Glory a very real chance, using the caveat that Lee's health was an unknown. Ignore that at your pleasure, if you must. As far as me saying three years, that is a stretch, however you are still ignoring that much of your rationale for a theoretical March 2021 series of matches is coming from a December 2018 match (21-18=3). Kolodzik had what would have been his best NCAA tournament in March of 2018 with a 3rd place fimish and based off results he regressed by March of 2019. Add in tuat O'Connor, Sasso, Lugo, Mauller, etc all were showing drastic signs of improvement by that time as well.as several breakout performers and newcomers for 2021 in Lovett, Thomas, Parco, etc that provided 149 a certain amount if depth that it lacked since pre-Zain. I agree Kolodzik might have won. That he would have been more heavily favored than Glory AND Monday? Nope.
  21. He would have absolutely had a chance to win it. I agree. Better chance than the guy who won it, who many people gave a 50-50 chance this year? No. Also, his undefeated 6 seed season was shortened. He didn't beat any of the guys you mentioned that season (which is what actually matters for seeding) and his best win was over Prince in OT. They don't seed on three season old information.
  22. Kolodzik was never seeded higher than Glory or Monday were this year, so I think that is an inaccurate assumption.
  23. Monday only wrestled this season at 165.
  24. Curious to see if he was in the game enough to get some of that WWE-bod stuff going on.
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