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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. You new around here? This particular poster ain't just any person
  2. Oh, 65 KG Finesilver was pulled in to repechage but failed to make the 3/5 match.
  3. Micic extremely undersized at 65 KG. So badly. Amine in the finals against the Russian Karugliev, defected to Greece, at 86 KG. Amine and Finesilver at 74 KG were close to meeting. No bananas. Matt Finesilver wrestling for bronze tomorrow at 92 KG. Honis took 5th at 97 KG.
  4. My thoughts weren't actually far from this... hense my 'holy shit guys' post shortly before this.
  5. Patrick Nolan in the portal for Michigan. He was going to be their starter next year while frosh redshirt (Mattin is likely off to Med school). I hope he heads to a MAC or SOCON school and ends by qualifying for NCAAs next season.
  6. Also, a reason in trends changing for the 2020 census from the 2010 is due to direct enumerator training of 2010. I have an Afro-Latina wife. We had an enumerator try telling us that because she identifies as Hispanic that he had to mark her as White for her race. When I spoke to his Crew Lead I was once again assured that this was 'How Atlanta wanted it done.' We didn't have as many door to door this last time on 2020... not sure why? ( plandemic maybe ) More people got to select which option(s) they identified as rather than a person doing it for them how they were trained to.
  7. Holy shit guys. Still on about it?
  8. Whelp. Looks like my new reaction emoji is going to get some exercise.
  9. No, I don't think that they cost us a healthy Spencer Lee. He is injury prone. I think they had a hand in him not competing during college, though, and he did have healthy spurts.
  10. Hahaha. You think I'm a Penn State fan. Cute...
  11. The only thing that you stated that has any relevancy MIGHT be the Minnesota - Iowa culture, and that is in reference to lifestyle and not wrestling. Minnesota isn't really like either, to be clear. Iowa actually has two other NQ caliber 133lbers in the lineup and the Brands bros cost us a healthy Spencer Lee, so there goes the rest of that.
  12. Also, it looks like Minnow is saying Cannon wants to go 141 if he goes to Rutgers.
  13. Per Minnow, Cannon is down to Penn State and Rutgers.
  14. I think the consensus is that she is just better. Last time when Welker won, Kennedy had tuned her up pretty good a few weeks before, but Kennedy was fresh off being knocked out in the semifinals or something? She got rocked hella hard against Welker too.
  15. You missed the punchline, sorry. While I would enjoy more top wrestling I agree. The joke is the OP actually making this thread.
  16. Yeah. Unfortunately for Shilson she has a history of concussions. The jury is out that Mortimer did it intentionally or not. @Mike Parrish, might know better? Mortimer is still wrestling U20s as well last I looked.
  17. Not the US Open but perhaps a precursor - Blades and Welker set to wrestle a best of three at women's U20s today.
  18. Best friends for 15 years, mate. Lading Barr had more to do wth Facundo being there than Penn State.
  19. What are you on about? Expansion has very little to do with sports or how good their 'teams' are. It is all about money and marketability. The reason the ACC is a more stable conference is because of how their membership contracts are written. The ACC has made it so ridiculously expensive and complicated to leave ever since Maryland got scooped up. The B12 is losing their two most valuable assets very soon. That doesn't scream stability does it?
  20. Honestly I thought this thread was a joke so I was just going for ridiculousness. You saw who the OP was right?
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