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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Ignoring era is also fuckwad shit. The 1972 Dolphins get owned by most of last the NFL last year, maybe the entire league. Speed, size, skill, training methods, etc. NCAA D1 wrestling is the best it has ever been in all those regards as well as the deepest it has ever been. Cael having that same percentage is much more impressive to anybody with a brain.
  2. It gets brought up like once a week. It's weird.
  3. For who? Your unpaid debts? Both Iowa and Penn State make more sense.
  4. https://indianamat.com/index.php?/forums/topic/62268-iran-wrestling-news/page/46/
  5. They preemptively found another forum with a similar style that had an international section and they then publicly asked for permission to flood that forum. They actually did this before Mr. Dole and Mr. Brain got this forum up and going. Why migrate twice? That forum has less overall eyes and there is a significantly less potential for trolly trash to mess with them. Their community had the most active topic discussion and with less... uhh... political control here (not a bad thing, just pointing out) I think that them being able to be on a less publicly viewed outlet is better for them. There are too many ponce-prick asshats who think their opinions of something halfway across the world matters more than the opinions and experiences of the people living, or have lived, in that country halfway across the world. This isn't an attempt to 'come at you' so to say. I am just bluntly putting it out there as to why they are where they are. I suggest you head over there and chat with them. They're all generally great gents.
  6. I stopped reading here. No reason to read the rest of your long-windedness crap. The term defect has been commonly used in wrestling the last many years. Not just to describe Russians who have jettisoned their Mother country but also gents such as Micic, Amine, etc.
  7. Are you deaf, blind, stupid, ignorant, or some amalgamation of those options? What the actual fukc do you think is going on right now? Also, until a Russian defector actually beats a Russian in competition then that is what they will be. They barely even try when they wrestle their Russian counterparts - almost as if by order. We in the states are well aware of Karugliev. He KOd DT a few years back.
  8. I want to also make it very clear: I will be rooting for Messenbring against any non-B1G school and even many of the B1G schools. I am a big fan of his, I just believe this is even more premature than the SVN and Haines 'NCAA OR BUST' mentality a few gents had on here. That shit almost worked out for them, though - HFS.
  9. I was just trying to lighten the mood. Less mocha cafe and more half vanilla creamer half cafe bustello.
  10. Probably best to lay off Vak. He isn't just royalty around here, he is actually respected and a well articulated individual. In fact he is the only Iowa fan I know that can type or speak words with more than two syllables... and I have been around D1 B1G wrestling in some capacity since the 1980s so I have seen a lot of Iowa fans, wrestlers, coaches, etc.
  11. Keep drinking the kool-aid. He hasn't wrestled a single starter in D1 yet nor has he even cracked the starting lineup at any D1 college. He gets an insane amount of credit for three major things. Beating Haines in Freestyle... a kid who just made it through an entire challenge tournament - at 70 KG (~154lbs), for being Askren's coach's son, and for Haines' results because he beat him. Now he is the next DT/Askren hybrid up at 165lbs and is going to be the consensus#3 165lber in 11 months? No.
  12. Rather sure I have been transparent on this ever since we had that 115 page thread on J'den Cox defecting to Belarus with a handful of Mizzou-gents. Happily, both sides matured and moved on.
  13. Also, @Jon_Kozak, it appears Hidlay has changed his registration back to 86 KG.
  14. https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/10896354-2023-us-open-wrestling-championships-mens-freestyle-preview-predictions
  15. I could do it in one sitting.
  16. To those talking about how close MM and O'Toole are: They are what... five years apart? MM has just gotten as large as him this last season. I doubt they have much, if any, mat time together. Also to those think MM competes with O'Toole? Laughable shit. Seriously
  17. Never smoked me a doober. I am more of a three gallons of rum and five kilos of NY strip kind of gent.
  18. It is a fairly good thing for NCAA D1 College Wrestling that the opinion of anybody in this thread means precisely dick. The better Penn State is, the better it is for USA Wrestling. This is coming from a non-Penn State fan, fwiw. If you don't care about the health and competitiveness of USA Wrestling, you can eat shit and move yourself on off and join the rest of the Belarussian scum.
  19. So Forrest is a mainstay at 65 KG and moving up this season?
  20. I hate when it tries to automatically open it on the FloApp. I prefer the browser typically. The App is garbage to me in a lot if ways imho.
  21. Just thought you all should know that I, nhs67, am 1 for 1 on winning 4/20 despite my never having partaken in the lunge comsumption if the angelic cabbage. Eat me all you weedheads.
  22. If only you saw my Facebook. The ole college nickname has followed me through life.
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