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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. You are going to confuse the shit out of Dr. @MPhillips, man.
  2. I think your take is fairly good. What do you make of Davenport? Do you think he could make the lineup at either 149 or 157? I have the likelihood of pulling AA a different order. Otherwise: You are the expert. Byrd, Luffman, Connell, ZBraunagel, Ruth, DBraunagel, Pucino, and Cardani. Reasoning: Byrd is due. I like how Luffman look(s). Connell is at 184, which is clearing out of a lot of top contenders. ZBraun is at 197, which is where a lot of the gents are heading to Ruth is a Wildcard. I could see him going 0-2 but I also see flashes of his brother in him. DBraun is just... not sure. Seems HEW? Cardani could end up surprising some folks now that he is healthy. Pucino is better than the end of the season showed last year, I think. I also honestly think that if DBraunagel were to descend to 157 he could be a sleeper. He looked smaller than a lot of gents that I have considered 'average' 165lbers this last year. I know dropping weight and injuries often coincide, so that is the one reason I would say to not to.
  3. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
  4. Parris was injured, severely here. He then didn't get the needed surgery and it effected his next entire wrestling season. This last season what we saw from him was a healthy Parris. I expect him, providing he doesn't let the lace man get paid, to control that match with Gwiaz.
  5. I mean... if you scoop up a Minnow in the palms of your hands, like a cup of water, then it is the biggest fish in that sea. That is all Minnow is trying to do here. Let him be the big fish.
  6. Keuter =/= Kueter The first has a long 'O' sound and is NSFW and the other has a long 'E' sound and is a football recruit for Iowa.
  7. Guys... There is another Lucas Byrd wrestling in Michigan Hihh School. It was a joke.
  8. Where do you see tOSU then? Are thry the other Trophy team?
  9. I thought the smoke in the air was Sparks at 165 and Carlson at 174? Also I think Joles has improved as much as anyone in the country the last two years and would surprise a lot of people if he could get a full, proper season back at 197. Lee used to have senior level aspirations. If they are Olympic I think it would be cool, even if less that 1% likely, to see him.at 165.
  10. Eischens is a guy where I feel he went 174 strictly because Shane Griffith was at 165. It would be cool to see him at 165 somewhere. He has a rather lean build and isn't that large.
  11. Where did Eischens end up going? Also, any chance we see Garvin up at 174 and Darracott at 165?
  12. Wasn't Geog at 170 two years ago in High School?
  13. Despite him wrestling in eight duals and Midlands donning the Rutgers singlet last year counts as a redshirt?
  14. I think Castillo and Jordan are also prime to win some matches at NCAAs as well as contend for a SOCON title.
  15. MICHIGAN 125 I imagine we see some spot starting of Horwath to get his five dates, but the postseason guy is going to be DeAugustino. Aside for possibly Richy Figs of ASU and Ayala of Iowa I don't see anybody in the field that could make a sort of evolutionary tier leap that might make it so a healthy DeAugustino doesn't contend for a National Title next season. There are about a dozen gents in there on the same tier, so he will have to wrestle a near perfect NCAAs, but it's not out of the realm of possible. We could see a title contender - again IF healthy come tourney time, or a guy who flames out and goes 1-2 or 2-2 and doesn't score many points. I am thinking the change of scenery has a positive effect and he pulls in a mid-AA performance and finishes with a win. 3rd or 5th. I think Horwath will show signs during the season that he has a bright future, I just don't know at what weight that will be at. I am hoping 125, but we will see once he gets on that D1 training regimine. 133/141 I am going to put these weights together, since I am unsure who is going where, despite it being 'known' that Cannon is going 141 and Ragusin 133. I think both have the same sort of potential at either weight. Ragusin's peak is a little higher because he does have a go-for-broke mentality, when it suffices him. That does put his valley a little lower, though. Cannon is a bit more consistent and controlling in his matches. He doesn't tend to let them get out of hand is is more fundamentally in place, so while his peak might be a little lower, his valley is higher. I think Ragusin at 133 could place as high as 3rd, but could also R12 or worse for the up-teenth time. Cannon could also place as high as 3rd, but it looks like his valley is R12 or even low AA at 133. At 141 I think Ragusin has a peak of 2nd or 3rd but he could go 0-2. Cannon's peak is a bit lower, likely mid-AA range, but his valley looks much higher. Again R12 or possibly a little lower in R16. I do think that the best option is Cannon then Ragusin, but I am not the coaching staff (for a reason). For the future we have Lemley at 133 and we might see a spot start here and there. I do expect him to get his full five matches in some way, shape, or form. At 141 we have Gates / Mantanona coming in for the class of 2024. I am not sure any of the guys we actually have coming in are 141lbers for the future, unless Lemley grows in to it. Then we are down our 133 for the future, unless Horwath goes 133... then we are down our 125... I do think Lemley will do well at either weight. 149 OOF. Lost Lamer, who I will still root for wholeheartedly. Unless we pull in a late portal guy (there are a few out there - Moore, Bryant, etc) I don't think we qualify the weight. I think we end up seeing some combination of Mayora and Kim. Mayora is a 0.500 type guy at best and most of his wins will be before the new year starts. It may give folks a false sense of hope. I think Kim is far too small for 149, but if Mayora struggles we might see him. I anticipate seeing Gilcher in the lineup come dual time to get his matches. Mantanona might be too big for 149, but if he isn't I expect to see him there, too. If either of them knock our socks off I wouldn't be surprised to see them get a postseason nod out the gate. Mantanona and Gilcher are likely going to end up being our 157/165lbers once those weights clear out, which is my only deterrent to seeing one (or both) of them go 149 right now, even though the weight would be very easy for at least Gilcher to do. Adams is taking a gap year to focus on Greco, then I think he will settle in at 149, so those three weights will be set. 157 We have Lewan. His peak, without some superstar, is going to be a NC - despite what others might want or think. The problem is that his valley could be 0-2 and every single match could finish 3-2 or 3-1. It is boring as all hell, but he does win much more than he loses. I do think he pulls in another mid-AA performance to go out and wins his final match as well. 3rd or 5th. I already said what needed to be said about the young gents in 149. That said expect Consuelos to have a start or three at 157/165. IF his dad has any say in it, he will be heading down to 149 to contend for a starting spot (I am all for it...). 165/174 I am going to combine these as well. I do think Griffith has a higher ceiling, as he could beat Carr, O'Toole, or Starocci (yep). I don't know if Amine can. He wrestles too closely and those three are just so damn good in some areas where Amine is serviceable. I would like to see Amine go 174 and Griffith 165, however I do think it will be opposite. I do think Amine will bring home a 3rd place finish when all is said and done. I just don't see him beating Carr or O'Toole. I think Griffith brings home a 2nd or 3rd, depending on how the brackets shake out and only loses to Starocci come NCAAs. For the future here, I think we see Mantanona grow in to this weight with Gilcher at 157. I think we might see some spot starts from Knudten and Khawaja at 174 and Mattin at 165 (maybe 174?) for load management, but we know who will be there for the postseason - health willing. 184 I think this is Rogers spot. I think he will AA, but it will be low. He could also barely bring home a NQ sort of resume and I wouldn't be surprised. I expect him to be in a lot of matches with a lot of contenders. Hidlay and Brooks went up, so it is conceivable that we could see a mid-AA performance. I think he slides in in the lower 6-8 range, though. We should see Bullock or Walker get some matches here throughout the season and they are very capable gents too if Rogers gets banged up. He is our future at this weight. 197 Unless we see a portal here late, it looks to be another hole. Yatooma did show signs of improvement once he hit the lineup, but he was undersized and just not at the level we have come to expect the B1G 197lbers to be at. I am hoping a healthy Bullock comes in and holds the spot for a season while Walters redshirts. Walters will get his five dates, you can count on it. He is expected to be a four year starter once all is said and done. 285 Davison should contend for a title. Anything less and he will be disappointed. I am predicting that he will win. Our future here looks to be Jenkins and I wouldn't be surprised to see him get some spot starts here and there for load management. He needs to get on that Parris diet a bit more, though. Last year at the end of the season he was still a very light HWT. All in all I think we end up having 1 NC and 6 or 7 other AA performances come NCAAs and Michigan will bring home a trophy.
  16. Greetings All, Things have seemed a bit stale lately with all the drama becoming the norm and the Disney high from portal season essentially coming to and end (despite there being a lot of toons still in the portal and some teams needing key positions). I would like to open the floor to folks honest opinions, if you gents can handle that, insofar as to how their team(s) project for next season. @Idaho, I know I am asking a lot from you on this since you are basically our West Coast Correspondent and probably have eight to twelve teams, but I ask you to suck it up buttercup. Please, for once - and this means a lot coming from me - keep this civil and not turn it in to some pokermon battle of flame-o critters. I will put one forth for the three Michigander teams as soon as I am able.
  17. If he stays with the same trajectory as Orine, he is right in the thick to AA this season. Good eye.
  18. I always appreciate your enthusiasm on Illinois. I think they will be at least a tier up from last year. Maybe two.
  19. I don't think he is an upgrade over Jordan, personally. That said, Jordan does have a Redshirt available.
  20. Speaking of your SDSU Jackrabbits - it would like to see Meredith (125/133) and/or Tagg (133/141) see some time in the lineup.
  21. A lot of true frosh coming off shirt that should be impactful from the get-go. I do think the OP was thinking about non-true frosh though.
  22. Unless he can make 125 or go 157, I don't see him making the team. Wildcard option would be Cornell West with Koll?
  23. I was just coming to say Loew. I thought hr was 184, though.
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