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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Guys... many of these 'teams' are not using gents from last season.... ...... .. . . ... .. .. . . .. . .. . ................................. .................
  2. Prediction(s) in quotes section in UNDERLINED BOLD. Yes I understand I am being extremely biased with my 130 KG and 125 KG picks for GR and MFS...
  3. He has demolished him many times now. Some of those ass-whoopings were before Arujau took this metaphorical leap this last year.
  4. I'm rather in agreement here and more because I think Mocco would do hellacious damage at 165 (and especially 157 were he to be able to properly descend there). Think like Robb at 157 after he dropped from 165.
  5. Did you not read my memo? I authorized use of Feldman. Blessed be Feldman.
  6. Her insider trading bill she is trying to get through looks promising on the surface. J/s.
  7. Curious your reasonings for each, if you would enlighten us please?
  8. You're nicer to me. Deal with thr benefits.
  9. You needed a Heavy. I authorized the transfer, mate.
  10. Slight tweaks and an allowance allowed for Brawley... some gents have to hit the gym and others need to quit eating. 125 - Gabe Whisenhunt (Oregon State) 133/141 - Hunter Eveland (Oregon State) 133/141 - DJ Gillett (Oregon St commit) 149 - Chance Lamer (Cal Poly) 157 - Legend Lamer (Cal Poly) 165 - Brawley Lamer (Cal Poly) 174 - Daschle Lamer (Cal Poly) 184 - James Rowley (Purdue) - He is going to have to get on the Isaiah Salazar (non-steroid) workout and diet regimen 197 - Santos Cantu (Indiana) - He is also going to have to get on the Isaiah Salazar (non-steroid) workout and diet regimen 285 - Hayden Walters (Michigan) - Mason Parris diet/workout regimen That squad is salty.
  11. Hey. You can hold Dr. @MPhillips to a different standard. I hold to the highest standard of possible ever. He knows better.
  12. That is a solid lineup. I would list your 133 as a 125, your 149 as a 141, and your 197 as a 184 and depending on the guy the other squad throws out there I might fluctuate.
  13. Which isn't D1. We expect greater things from Doc.
  14. Rojas was 165 at the end of the season for Michigan. I am pulling in Facundo and bumping either him or Amine.
  15. Fixed 285 for you. He did wrastle a bit. Also, the first part doesn't coincide with OP's OP... see below, Doc.
  16. Chittum wouldn't make 149. He has already made that publicly known. Quit being a douche.
  17. This is a rather piss-poor take. When entering the US Open he knew that winning meant he could not go to 92 KG or make a go for that spot if he earned a chance at Final X. It specifically state(s/d) it in the registration. Those who accepted Final X bids before the US Open or after winning it were not allowed to enter WTT at an attempt to earn another spot. Even disregarding all of this, he knew DT was the guy waiting for him. Being able to get a feel for him in an actual competition setting might be better for him than going 92 KG. In short... he didn't earn the shot at Zahid for the 92 KG spot. He has never wrestled 92 KG and there is an entire ladder of people ahead of him at 92 KG. Zahid did earn the shot at 92 KG for Final X by actually wrestling 92 KG at the WTT. It might not seem fair. It is fair per the rules, which everyone knew or knows. If they don't it isn't on USA Wrestling to explain in layman's terms. The information and criteria have been out for a while.
  18. Are you looking for just this past season's?
  19. If we say his name a few more times he might show up. I doubt it, though. His boy dwindled in to obscurity, unfortunately.
  20. Carroll may be registered, but he is actually sitting out to the finals, isn't he? Also, Feldman too. Let's see him enter as well.
  21. I think he slots in at the same spot as Doucet for now. I am open to moving him up once he faces actual collegr competition Tiers 1-5 and does something. He definitely has the potential to move up. He just has not taken that next step (yet). He was 1W-7L in 1/2 point matches last season. The win was against Whitman (who I am a big fan of actually) and the losses were still losses in which he has never beaten the other opponent before, so they don't really matter until he does get a DUB against one/some if them. I am okay if he proves me wrong this season.
  22. No surprises. https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2023/May/24/True-Thirds-announced
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