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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Currently it looks like this will be the starters... any thoughts, questions, or curiosities to these (Wrestlestat's Starters w/ their ratings listed)? 125 - #7 DeAugustino, Michael 133 - #9 Cannon, Chris 141 - #9 Ragusin, Dylan 149 - #75 Mayora, Fidel 157 - #9 Lewan, Will 165 - #3 Amine, Cameron 174 - #3 Griffith, Shane 184 - #27 Rogers, Rylan 197 - #89 Yatooma, Brendin 285 - #5 Davison, Lucas I don't necessarily think everyone listed will be the starter by season's end (or beginning for that matter). Curious what folks expectations are, or might be? Mine will follow.
  2. I wouldn't think he was. I would lean Davison or Cassioppi, tbh. I don't think Davison based off him going to UofM to win a natty at HWT.
  3. Insert pathetic "But you're only obsessed" response. Get over it, bro, and actually show some sort of manner of dignity, self respect, and personal accountability. Also, last word.
  4. You aren't actually the turdbiscuit you portray yourself to be in this thread. Not nearly. You actually provide good feedback in a more or less non-biased nor in a trollinese sort of manner... typically. Why must you fly those colors here? Is it the ole 'What happens in Vegas' sort of Mantra? 'What happens in this thread...' It makes me sad. So now you say "Read it only the way I tell you to or you are wrong." You said it wrong to begin with, man. Give it a break. Either pay your debt or move on. The only reasonable conclusion through all of this is that you're a wiffle-waffling wine-ass that punches nuns and eats babies and shit. I don't want to believe that.
  5. What does that have to do with much of anything? When are Worlds Typically? Are they during the summer? Is September summer now?
  6. Interesting note (typo) that Labriola weighed 176.7?
  7. Maybe Kerk sees something in the room that we don't? Maybe he is giving Snyder all he can handle?
  8. Has Vito not said multiple times that he wasn't taking an Oly-shirt? Why don't we believe the words out of his mouth?
  9. I never said or meant to take anything from Freestyle or Greco currently. I meant if we can't add weights, which should be a focus as well as getting a Women's Greco going, then we should focus on getting other styles of wrestling in. I don't think beach wrestling is too far away, to be honest... with how some of these other sports are getting approved...
  10. When does wrestling take place, though? What actual season? Winter... at least in the Northern Hemisphere... which what... 95% of medalists are geographically located?
  11. I mean... Hugh Jackman is a supersized version of the Wolverine. I really want Daniel Radcliffe to be Wolverine. It makes so much sense. Put him on the Captain diet.
  12. If anything Greco should also be a Women's option as well. ADD to it... don't take away. Also... curious question(s) would be... do we try to get Folkstyle in? Beach wrestling is picking up steam... let's get Folkstyle in? I would also be all for getting wrestling to be a Winter sport at the Olympics. Just saying...
  13. I would go in to hiding, were I you. Dr. @MPhillipshas connections and nearly limitless resources. He will find you.
  14. And it should be me... for my satisfaction and mine alone.
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