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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I maintain that weighing in for every match is unfair, making it stupid and unrealistic - especially at the high school level.
  2. Guy doesn't make a medal and he doesn't have to weigh in on second day. I am oddly okay with that.
  3. First day would be 2nd match mat-side weigh-ins. Second day would be medal match mat-side weigh-ins. I could go for this. If they let themselves get 6-7lbs over for an earlier match then have to cut down for a matside weigh-in later, they are just hurting themselves and their peak performance capability.
  4. So, this is what Track shows for their Certifying Weights... for 'EXPECTED WEIGHT' I used what Wrestlestat has them listed at, as Penn State won't likely update their until mid-January (phuktarts!)... Keep in mind that these gents could have certified a month or more ago and that some of these guys could keep in phenomenal shape, whereas some could let their weight get out of control. A few notes... - A 174.1-184.0lb Stalrocci is lower than I expected. - They have the grades very inaccurate in some instances (looking at the Lee brothers, Track!) - Kurt McHenry probably has a massive beer belly - I thought Kasak was Greyshirtting... appears not... he could be an option and let both Mesenbrink and Haines to Redshirt - Chochran already being under 197lbs actually surprised me. WRESTLER - GRADE, CERT WEIGHT, ACTUAL WEIGHT RANGE, EXPECTED WEIGHT Branden Wentzel - FR, 133, 125.1-133.0, 125 Braeden Davis - FR, 133, 125.1-133.0, 133 Kurt McHenry - SR, 133, 125.1-133.0, 125 Marco Vespa - SR, 133, 125.1-133.0, 125 Gary Steen - JR, 133, 125.1-133.0, 125 Robert Howard - SR, 133, 125.1-133.0, 125 Sean Wang - JR, 141, 133.1-141.0, 141 Aaron Nagao - RS SO, 141, 133.1-141.0, 133 Karl Shindledecker - SO, 141, 133.1-141.0, 125 Baylor Shunk - RS FR, 141, 133.1-141.0, 133 Kyison Garcia - FR, 141, 133.1-141.0, 133 David Evans - SR, 149, 141.1-149.0, 141 Timothy Levine - JR, 149, 141.1-149.0, 141 Beau Bartlett - SR, 149, 141.1-149.0, 141 Shayne Van Ness - JR, 157, 149.1-157.0, 149 Connor Pierce - SO, 157, 149.1-157.0, 149 Tyler Kasak - FR, 157, 149.1-157.0, 157 Imran Heard, SR, 165, 157.1-165.0, 149 Mitchell Mesenbrink - RS FR, 165, 157.1-165.0, 157 Levi Haines - SO, 165, 157.1-165.0, 157 Matt Lee - SR, 174, 165.1-174.0, 165 Erik Gibson - FR, 174, 165.1-174.0, 165 Joe Lee - RS FR, 174, 165.1-174.0, 165 Terrell Barraclough - RS FR, 174, 165.1-174.0, 157 Alex Facundo - JR, 174, 165.1-174.0, 165 Josh Barr - FR, 184, 174.1-184.0, 174 Aurelius Dunbar - SR, 184, 174.1-184.0, 157 Brian Borden - JR, 184, 174.1-184.0, 165 Carter Starocci - RS FR, 184, 174.1-184.0, 174 Jack Kelly - JR, 197, 184.0-197.0, 174 Donovon Ball - RS FR, 197, 184.0-197.0, 184 Lucas Cochran - JR, 197, 184.0-197.0, 197 Bernie Truax - RS SR, 197, 184.0-197.0, 184 Aaron Brooks - RS FR, 285, 197.1-285.0, 197 AJ Fricchione - FR, 285, 197.1-285.0, 285 Greg Kerkvliet - RS FR, 285, 197.1-285.0, 285
  5. This kind of devolved from matside weigh-in for each match to one weigh-in for the entire tournament, though? Does this include two-day tournies?
  6. ALL this said... I would take Mesenbrink as well. There are a few signs pointing to not only him wrestling, but wrestling 157lbs if he does. - Bartlett posted a video (picture maybe?) of them working out with the caption "Just two 160lbers" - Ben has been trying to insert him in to the 157lb discussion on FRL as much as possible So, to me... smart money is on him wrestling 157 if he wrestles this season. Perhaps they start the season with both him and Haines under redshirt and Bearclaw with the nod? The difference being is that MM would have to not be enrolled to Oly-shirt... so there is that.
  7. Are you blind? What he stated was accurate. Nobody clamped on to the 'tech' portion. Folks clamped on to and reacted to the World Champ portion.
  8. Apparently for several people it was quite preposterous and unclear. I understand your case. It is still wrong. You can't have your apples, choose the pie, then when everyone cuts up their apples of choice go and say "OH BTW ONLY RED DELICIOUS CAN BE USED FOR THIS APPLE PIE RECIPE." You have to include that sort of information, lest you be shat on - which happened... you were shat on.
  9. The solution to the gap is to adopt weight classes closer to the international MFS and MGR styles. In high school the current weight classes at the top are... - 190lbs (86.2 KG) - 215lbs (97.5 KG) - 285lbs (129.2 KG) Those look pretty close, huh? Current NCAA weight classes... - 184lbs (83.5 KG) - 197lbs (89.4 KG) - 285lbs (129.2 KG) Current MFS weights... - 92 KG (202.8lbs) - 97 KG (213.8lbs) - 125 KG (275.6lbs) Current MGR weights... - 87 KG (191.2lbs) - 97 KG (213.8lbs) - 130 KG (286.6lbs) One of these is not like the others and it is collegiate wrestling.
  10. You said World Champion not U20 World Champion. There is a clear and distinct difference there. You don't think there is?
  11. Yeah. That was a stupid take by Le Duke. Hardcore bias there.
  12. I can be bought with the one-off per tournament if it is done before the 2nd match (in double eliminations). Taking away a perceived and earned advantage is a no-go for me. You can't penalize kids for doing better nor can you expect them to be able to handle it better because they performed better previously. It isn't how it should work.
  13. I want to touch base on this more. Higher seeds earn byes by performing better at tournaments beforehand. They earn it, and now you want to make it a disadvantage for them?
  14. So the guy who earned the higher seed to get the bye shouldn't get the benefit of a bye now? Won't happen. These two sports are grappling sports. I see the similarity there. From there you get pretty far apart, though. PED use is rampant to a very deep level in BJJ/ADCC tournaments. Especially the higher up and more serious you go. You're going to have to come up with a better example than one that compares a clean sport to an unclean one, because those guys use all sorts of shit to get on weight beforehand.
  15. I think this could work, but weighing in for the second match. It wouldn't be fair to let a kid without a bye not weigh in in his second match which at large tournaments could be some two hours before...(which his first match could be a 10 second pinfell in HS...) and have the other guy have to weigh in matside. If it is double elimination, have them weigh in 2nd round Championship and first round consolations...
  16. When is the one weigh in? Is it dealer's choice? Coaches choice via vote, like a seeding meeting? After everyone's first match? Before their last match?
  17. He wasn't very lean at 184. I don't think this goes well for him. I imagine the end goal is Cael Valencia at 86 KG for Mexico, right?
  18. Isn't this one of those ones I got shat on for when I said he should? Pretty sure. I got more push back on that than I have about Lewis/Andonian going up - which I don't think actually happens, I just want it to happen. We'll never know.
  19. Those aren't even close, bud. Please stop using them as comparable evils.
  20. Also, rather embarrassing that he compared cunt to the N word. As a black man that makes me want to be a Snowflake just a little bit. A little bit.
  21. Thought they shifted off of pushing true frosh hard a few years back? Like... and oath sort if thing or something. It has come on FRL and they have talked about it there. It just isn't in an article ir an 'official' sort of manner.
  22. These should be taken with a grain of sand as well... Some guys don't manage weight in the offseason, get out of shape, and can balloon up... other guys stay fit all year round. He could be the latter... which means he has less to lose.
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