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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Both Frost brothers on fire. 133lber over Grice 9-3 and thr 141lber over Redding 10-5. Cool.
  2. I think Basch is probably smarter, both generally and professionally, than all but probably a handful or two of the people that grace these forums. If you honestly think he is mean then you need to grow some skin...
  3. Something priceless is worth less than a monetary contract now? Cool beans.
  4. When I am in Connecticut for work, I stay in Little Poland (New Britain, CT). They refer to each other as Polaks. My nieces exchange student is Polish as well. I heard her use the term Polak dozens of times when they were there with me earlier this month. I never got any sense from her or any of the residents that the word was bad to use. I understand the flak I get for the 'turdbiscuit' word. This I do not.
  5. Is he too short for 74 KG? Despite him actually being taller than O'Toole (I know the picture looks otherwise... angles and the fact that O'Toole is standing with his feet together and straight up...), I think the answer is yes. He is too short for 74 KG.
  6. Who's going to make the "Stalrocci is ducking O'Toole" thread now, before he does?
  7. Then how do you solve some 15 year olds weighing in five times and their opponent only having to weigh in three? If it isn't fair it won't be considered. I agree about the BJJ aspects. You have to consider who is determining these things, though. Not someone like yourself who can focus on the good benefits. They will look at the worst, squeeky wheel things as well and use it for justification.
  8. Polak is a term used to define someone who is Polish. 'The Polak' is much shorter than typing out on my phone 'The Polish lady' is. That and much easier than typing the wrestler's name out. Fat fingers suck. Jap is a term used to define someone who is Japanese. 'The Jap' is much shorter than typing out on my phone 'The Japanese lady' is. That and much easier than typing the wrestler's name out. Fat fingers suck. If that offends you, I am sorry. If you like I could just not attempt any sort of PBP in the future. I could just watch wrestling, not bother, and be happy. Key word there: Could Enjoy.
  9. She is at a wrestling tournament, though. You would think she would actually... wrestle...?
  10. I still don't understand how they don't call that. She was literally holding on to ankle(s) and looking for the time clock. Wasn't even trying to improve position. Should Kilty just stop wrestling then, too?
  11. Match ends 5-0. AE didn't really do anything. Hard to when your opponent doesn't even try to wrestle you. No shot attempts from AE, though.
  12. (grounded) Was a deliberate attempt to be grounded, though. They don't call negative wrestling on USA opponents much do they?
  13. Nevermind... white paddled. 5-0.
  14. Pushout for AE as I hit enter there. 90S to go and 6-0 for her.
  15. 90S to go in the match, still 5-0 for AE.
  16. AE hasn't attempted a single shot yet.
  17. The Polak threw an elbow there at the end. No damage done.
  18. Another TD for AE. 5-0 at the break.
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