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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. To wrestle? Home as in NDSU or home as in Utah?
  2. So Cassioppi, Assad, Brands, Siebrecht, Schriever, and PK will all be out then, still. 125 - Ayala 133 - Teske 141 - Woods 149 - Voinovich 157 - Franek 165 - Caliendo 174 - Swafford/Arnold/Rhodes 184 - Swafford/Arnold/Rhodes 197 - Franklin/Glazier 285 - Hill That is still a salty Dual Lineup... https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/perma/668/iowa-vs-iowa-state Keep in mind it has Chittum (ISU) and Arnold (Iowa) losing via bonus. Neither will happen if those Frosh take the mat. I think Arnold at 184 and Swafford at 174, unless the plan was for Swafford at 184 all along with Assad going up? Not sure. In any case Iowa will/should be fine even without the gents that are suspended. Both for this dual and for NCAAs.
  3. Another reason to hate Iowa Football. The guy trying to get Kueter on the mat sooner?
  4. There isn't a single poster on these boards as successful as a competitor or coach as Tom. I have toed the line with him and fallen short. I would take it as a compliment to be called TB. That said, my skin is considerably darker than his.
  5. But hold on! Clearly Smith is doing a horrible job at OSU and should be fired!
  6. Damn. That sucks. Zander (Evan' twin) had to retire due to injuries.
  7. I honestly was thinking Kraisser when I said that. I do think Chittum has a good chance. We haven't seen him in Folkstyle at the collegiate level yet, though. While he might AA I think his floor is just as low as Kraisser's.
  8. They have their best team yet. If the frost brothers improve as much through the season as they have the last year then they have medal contenders at every weight except 157, 174, and 197 and even those weights have guys who could make an interesting run with the right brackets.
  9. That was why I said healthy. I also think 149 is too high for Lemley and Jerore. I think 141 makes more sense
  10. I log in to track with my Flo credentials and can see what you see me posting (screenshots, etc).
  11. Here are a few things I have heard as well in addition to what you said as well (Grad Transfers slotting in where they wish). 125/133 We should expect to see Horwath get his five. 133/141 Apparently Ragusin is okay going 141 but he is having trouble getting his weight up (he is lighter than Cannon) 149 They may send a slew of gents at 149, including Mayora, Gilcher, Lemley, and Jerore. Don't be surprised if Jerore or Lemley end up seeing time at 149 or Jerore as the starter ar 141 if Ragusin does end up using his redshirt. 184 Walker is not conceding the spot to Rogers. 197 They are considering as many as eight gents for this weight, including Walters and the odd man out at 184. Expect everyone who is healthy to go at the MSU Open. 285 Jenkins is looking like he will be a solid guy for 2024-25. Pretty excited for that.
  12. Trent Hidlay has officially changed his name to Trent Thicccboi.
  13. NC State's Kovacs seems to be the frontrunner at 165 for them. Pretty stoked about that one.
  14. Nah bro. Good try though. Can we stay focused here? I would rather not slog this out. Especially in the subforum here.
  15. Yeah it was. Look at your post and tell me, when looking at the flow of conversation, where TF you were coming from. Luckily I am not a complete dumb shit.
  16. Yeah, uh... try forming proper sentences and thoughts and maybe you won't look so stupid. Apology accepted, though.
  17. I did, too. I did think he would be 157 for last year, though, prior to Jacques coming back.
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