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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Jokes aside both Penn State's and Michigan's coaching staff have said that they did the schedule light there because they do have a number of people looking to qualify for OTT.
  2. Maybe we see him in the 86 KG field...?
  3. It did, though. I could see them moving Figs above him, as he lost to him last year, but not Noto.
  4. It will. Common opponents are factored in in the formula. Assuming it doesn't change.
  5. How does 86 KG get seeded as of now? 1 - Mark Hall 2 - Trent Hidlay 3 - Alex Dieringer 4 - Evan Wick 5 - Taylor Lujan 6 - Mike Labriola ?
  6. Add in Evan Wick and Marky Mark at 86 KG... damn!
  7. For argument's sake lets say Lewis beats Stalrocci at the ASC (it won't happen...). They both have rather stellar seasons and dominate their way to NCAAs. The coaches rank will have Lewis higher, despite Stalrocci being the three time defending champion at the weight. That will factor in to the formula. That isn't right. Either one or the other, not some fake and invisible in-between. Would the NCAA step in and swap them if Lewis came ahead in the seeds? If not, then an exhibition match that doesn't count would have definitively effected NCAA seeding for a three time defending champion.
  8. That is fair, I suppose. It is odd that even though it isn't supposed to count, it absolutely will. Just like with the AS classic.
  9. I am hoping we see the Amine brothers, the Amine cousin, hell... the entire fckn lineup of D1 starters the last eight years. ThugMassa G anyone? Yes! Please! Imagine Abounader, Amine and Massa all throwing in their hats at 86 KG for gits and shiggles.
  10. You're slacking, JC. It's been out since at least Yesterday.
  11. In either case I appreciate rankings. I am finding that I agree a bit more with Intermat the further Flo gets from the Brain-era, though. I understand sticking to a ranking system, but the whole 'oath' thing and whatnot is a bit much.
  12. I hear you, however to the coaches who rank he is 5-1 now. So he is officially not officially still being penalized for a loss that should not count, right?
  13. Is Amouzad waiting to go up until after this cycle? He looked bigger this year and the rumblings were that he was having trouble holding the weight. Going up to 74 KG this late might be a pain in the ass, but he has the length to succeed there if he can fill out. I do think it is a bit late... but I do expect him to go to 70 KG after this cycle is over for him with 74 KG for next Olympics. I wouldn't be surprised to see him go 65 KG to 74 KG for 2024 to 2025 much like Yazdani went 74 KG in 2016 to 86 KG in 2017.
  14. While I do enjoy that Intermat puts their record in them and I know that his loss to Blaze doesn't count towards RPI and whatnot... what does bother me is it effected his ranking. Both Flo and Intermat dropped him, as they should have. What I don't particularly agree with is punishing yet now showing the reason for punishment in the record. He is 5-1, not 5-0. Much like Valencia and Hall a few years back due to the NWCA all-star classic result effecting the coaches ranking, which in turn effected seeding at NCAAs. I know Valencia did beat him at NCAAs and the point may seem moot, I must disagree and say that it is not. You can't say "It doesn't effect it" when it does. If he, Noto, and Figs all go undefeated at this point and CR reflects what is there, he will be, in fact, penalized for his loss. Just put the loss in, boys. I enjoy your rankings better because of it. We understand it isn't supposed to effect it, however it does and will. https://www.flowrestling.org/rankings/10846490-2023-24-ncaa-di-rankings/46674-125-anthony-noto
  15. Some of these weights are heating up. 86 KG has Labriola, Dieringer, Lujan, Hidlay, Coleman, Webster, and Mirasola for starters. 65 KG has DeSanto, Lugo, Yahya, McGee, Parker, Kolodzik for starters and then some. Penn State and Michigan haven't entered yet.
  16. This is how I see the potential matches... 125 Ventresca - VT over McCrone or Kilkeary - Both should be decisions 133 Latona - VT over Bouzakis or Gonzales - Both should be decisions, potentially wide ones 141 Mendez - tOSU over Mason or Church - I am thinking Major for both Cannon - tOSU TOSSUP Mason or Church - Not enough info to predict this one. I would think with how Cannon wrestled this last weekend he would be favored. 149 Henson - VT TOSSUP D'Emilio - Both of these guys looked really, really good this last weekend. Henson should be favored, but I think it's a tossup. D'Emilio - tOSU over Crook - Wide Decision/Major type match if this one happens Henson/Crook - VT over Brown - Henson likely gets bonus and Crook may push for it 157 Gallagher - tOSU over Andonian/Ulrey/Hipolito - Gallagher looked phenomenal. Despite it being 'short notice' that he goes 157 this season, he looked phenomenal. I think he wins via Decision over either of these. With the new TD rules it could be a Major against any of them... especially if Andonian gets down because of a failed throw early 165 Wilcox over Ulrey/Hipolito? - This weight class is going to be an interesting, and pivotal one for the dual. Neither's starter is healthy. Do they both go because they are the best option? Not sure. If Andonian doesn't go at 157 I could see them throwing out Hipolito or Ulrey at 157 and the other at 165. I think Wilcox wins a tight decision against either. If Andonian goes at 157 I expect it to be Ulrey. 174 Kharchla over Lewis - I don't think we see Kharchla here, but if we do I think he wins. Styles make matches. Lewis over Welsh - This won't really be that close. Welsh is as ready as any Frosh at 174 this year, but Lewis is just too much for him, I think. Kharchla/Welsh over Clark - If we don't see Lewis it'll likely be Clark, I think. Not too sure, actually. I still have hopes it is Ulrey-Andonian-Brady-Lewis at 157-184 for VTech. That won't happen, though. 184 Hoffman/Shumate/Rogotzke over Fisher - I think all get wide Decisions over Fisher. Not sold on Fisher yet and I think tOSU has a deep stable to pull from here. 197 Smith/Stewart over Geog/Shumate/Rogotzke - I think whoever VTech puts out should or would be favored over whoever tOSU puts out here. Pretty sure Stewart is hurt, though. 285 Feldman over Catka - I think Feldman starts to cement the fact that he is the best first year starter in NCAA D1 with this match. He looks bigger, but somehow less 'poofy' than last year... just carrying the weight in a more natural weight it seems. He is giving me hella Shortman Coon vibes... don't ask me why or how I just have a feeling in my berries. That means he is going to compete with everyone who isn't throwing old man strength at him right out the gate here (The only Michael McClure I see for him might be Cassioppi right now? That doesn't mean I am predicting him to beat Kerk or Hendrickson, I am just saying he is going to be ready for those matches.). This is all going to come down to how creative VTech can get with their lineup in the middle to put out their best product. I think tOSU has more depth right now in the upper weights that they can afford injuries right now. If both squads put out their best product it is going to be a barn burner. If one squad doesn't, then it could be something like a 25-12 victory for one or the other. We could see a lineup like this... 125 - Ventresca - Kilkeary 133 - Latona - Bouzakis 141 - Church - Mendez 149 - Hensen - D'Emilio 157 - Ulrey - Gallagher 165 - Andonian - Hepner 174 - Brady - Welsh 184 - Lewis - Hoffman 197 - Smith - Geogg 285 - Catka - Feldman Or this... 125 - Ventresca - McCrone 133 - Latona - Gonzalez 141 - Mason - Cannon 149 - Hensen - D'Emilio 157 - Andonian - Gallagher 165 - Brady - Wilcox 174 - Lewis - Chase 184 - Fisher - Hoffman 197 - Smith - Shumate 285 - Catcka - Boykin Or... well I could keep going. I don't think either of those lineups will be what is put out, though. This is an early season dual and I think the coaches are looking to put on a showcase and want to put out their best possible lineups. Right now both sides have some dings and I don't know what to expect. I do know that one of those lineups I just posted makes me, as a fan, much more excited for the dual than the other.
  17. Someone needs to pull the trigger on that one again.
  18. I think we see Welsh at 174. I didn't see the nature of his injury this last weekend. Re-aggravation or something more like precaution? If it is re-aggravation, then I might expect a medical at this point? Welsh looks ready right now. He won't win it, but neither was a healthy Kharchla. I think their peak performances are comparable.
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