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Everything posted by wrestlingphish

  1. This sentence right here gives away the game that OP's premise/motive/whatever is disingenuous and they are full of shit.
  2. RBY is wrestling a light schedule and if he is going to make a run at 2024 it will need to be at 57kg. Start practicing now. Owings went down to find Gable. It's a shame RBY wasn't confident enough in himself to do the same. He's already beat Fix so another title at 133 isn't going to change his legacy. Makes you wonder if Cael is protecting his ego.
  3. If RBY wanted the match, he would have made the cut in the off season to certify at 125. He knew where Lee would be.
  4. Unfortunately for Davison periods have time limits.
  5. Smaller Davison really pushing the limits on wrenching the knee. Some would call it dirty.
  6. 17-2 over Tal-Shahar. 14-0 at the end of 1.
  7. Ah, I thought we were talking about how teammates treated each other. I'll try to stay on topic. Carter Starocci.
  8. At Penn State they don't push off their teammates chests they sexually assault their teammate's mother's. Different strokes for different folks.
  9. Ah, yes, because all other threads on this ole bbs actually result in widespread changes across the world.
  10. My favorite "badass wrestlers who love to smoke weed" were Billy Murphy and Travis Blasco. When they were freshmen at Iowa they actually tried to sit Tom Brands down and tell him they wrestled better high. Those guys were a lot of fun to be around in Iowa City.
  11. I believe Vinnie Wagner did it for Iowa back a few years back as well.
  12. Ramos is electric but Spencer Lee is a baaaaaaaaad man. He is fired up.
  13. It's almost like it's not a monolithic entity and instead consists of individuals with different a backgrounds, experiences, and opinions. F*ckin WILD man.
  14. Jordan Oliver, Oklahoma State alumnus, got a PED suspension for modern day speed.
  15. Is this your new thing? If so, laaaaaaaaaaaaame!
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