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Everything posted by wrestlingphish

  1. Kennedy looked like he had an opportunity but he was hesitant because Hamiti is so dangerous.
  2. “The longer you go” without getting tech falled or pinned the better chance you have… uh… no shit?
  3. Wouldn’t surprise me. Manning jaws back and forth with the fans in that corner more than anyone except Bono.
  4. Maybe he saw how Spencer had been treating his other top five opponents.
  5. Others are better at timelines than me but doesn’t Zeke sort of have a track record of quick success and then long term disaster? Brandon Slay gets credit for the RTC development and Zeke got credit for getting out of his way.
  6. Also, Mark Manning looks like he has aged 15 years in the last 3. Is Snyder ready to take over? What’s their infrastructure like with all their big graduate level athletes leaving?
  7. This is the type of content the people have been begging for. Now do the one with @jajensen09 predictions
  8. I love the charts! I want a chart that shows how many people complain about people commenting on others predictions vs people who comment on whether or not NCAA Division 1 wrestlers meet their standards of toughness or whatever metric they invent now.
  9. Alright guys my prediction is the Iowa Hawkeyes in perpetuity please don't hassle me about it that's what I believe.
  10. I edited my post. People who complain about people who complain about the bow and arrow can't get mad when people criticize their predictions.
  11. I edited my post. I mis typed/spoke.
  12. LOL and you same people will complain that people who want to get rid of the bow and arrow are soft but can't take someone pointing out laughable predictions? I don't get this board sometimes.
  13. You said "the only" hits to his reputation were from inside the program. That's false. People from outside the program take shots at his reputation all the time. I would love to see them wrestle at 125 pounds or 57kg.
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