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Everything posted by BaldAt23

  1. Surprised by this results, Oklahoma State came to wrestle
  2. They've gotten a team trophy the past two seasons. Very hard to say he is not a great college coach.
  3. If Lamer could have gone, he would have won handily
  4. But nonetheless showing pretty huge growth so far under Clemsen.
  5. This is an electric crowd. Entertaining dual so far
  6. The bow and arrow should definitely be illegal. Great thread.
  7. The fact that we consider 51 year old Rulon Gardner coming out of retirement the biggest story for USA greco tells you all you need to know about the direction.
  8. FULL RESULTS 125 | Cooper Flynn (VT) over Peyton Moore (MIZ) by 13-3 MD 133 | (12) Sam Latona (VT) over (26) Connor Brown (MIZ) by 6-4 Dec. 141 | (10) Allan Hart (MIZ) over (15) Tom Crook by 8-2 Dec. 149 | (9) Brock Mauller (MIZ) over (12) Caleb Henson (VT) by 7-5 Dec. 157 | Clayton Ulrey (VT) over Logan Gioffre (MIZ) by 3-2 Dec. 165 | (1) Keegan O'Toole (MIZ) over (22) Connor Brady (VT) by 8-4 Dec. 174 | (3) Mekhi Lewis (VT) over (10) Peyton Mocco (MIZ) by 3-2 Dec. 184 | (8) Hunter Bolen (VT) over (HM) Sean Harman (MIZ) by 13-3 MD 197 | (1) Rocky Elam (MIZ) over (21) Andy Smith by 7-0 Dec. 285 | (8) Zach Elam (MIZ) over (22) Hunter Catka by 4-2 Dec.
  9. Dickie V is pleasant, Willie is not. Bad comparison
  10. It’s on ESPN+, you need a subscription
  11. Huge win by Maryland. First ranked win since 2013.
  12. Then that would be match pretty much
  13. Maryland is turning things around, they have some tough guys
  14. Yes it is the norm. And it is the correct decision. It is used as a data point. For example, there is no way Hepner will have more success than Kharchla.
  15. I love how premature this is, because he beat a guy from Loch Haven. Simmer down folks
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