Who are some of your dark horse picks to AA?
I don't see too many double digit seeds who stand out as very clear AA's. Brandon Courtney as #10 at 125 and Kharchla stand out.
It seems like all Penn state wrestlers talk about how much faith all the members of the team have. It makes me think they might not be very accepting of a wrestler who is not religious.
Any thoughts on this?
I don't see much chatter but I think he is a real threat to RBY and Fix. Will he be underdog? Sure. Would I be surprised if he beat either of them? Nope.
source: https://www.voanews.com/a/olympics-row-deepens-as-35-countries-demand-ban-for-russia-belarus-/6958405.html
I disagree, Russia should be at the Olympics despite the horrible things they have done