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Everything posted by wrestlingshoe

  1. Just pointing out that an opinion is just that, an opinion and thus needs no supporting evidence.
  2. Opinions don't need criteria, unless your opinion is that you need criteria...
  3. But then you start adding new criteria... In a row, longevity, ability to make money, #of Russians in the weight, going undefeated when you win gold, rule sets, how many different rule sets did you win under, how many weight classes, winning with a an injury, who did you beat on the way to your gold. I'm sure I missed a few criteria. The best way to look at it, like someone already said, the best at their prime... But that's a judgment call.
  4. Hopefully two more years at 61 and then two at 65 will allow him to win a couple more World titles and eventually Olympic gold. He's been the most fun to watch around this weight for a long time.
  5. You beat me to it... I'm not a superstitious person, except when it comes to this topic.
  6. I've thought this for quite some time. I've also wondered how much better he would actually have been over his career if he was more offensive minded. Could he have been the undisputed best? When he attacked legs he was amazing (maybe his age reversal antics are backfiring and time has caught up with him). What if leg attacks were his go to?
  7. I agree, Ryan claims the moral high ground, and maybe he can, but he also admitted that he lost out in the battle for Mesenbrink so he was trying and his argument sounds like sour grapes. The transfer portal and NIL has changed the landscape, we could argue if that is good or bad, but to me the bigger question is, maybe he's just not as good at the NIL/transfer portal as other coaches/programs. His saying there needs to be an asterisk next to PSU points record adds to the feeling he is struggling with accepting he just isn't as good at this new way of doing things. He kept preaching about culture. "We are not going to compromise our culture." Good for you, but you may then need to know, in this day and age, you may not do as well as other teams.
  8. I also think Dake has been figured out internationally. His performance at last year's worlds was much less dominant than in the past. His Dake bomb was less effective. Now that Burrows has taken the last year to focus solely on Dake it will be interesting. He never had to figure Dake out because he always won before. Now it's a different story.
  9. I don't always sit in front of the TV for 72 hours straight, but when I do...
  10. "Dake is good, but it's Jordan Burrows... He's focused." Also said, "Dake is not interesting "
  11. First, the better question is, how does Dake do against Yaz? Dake has optimized down at 74, two classes below DT and Yaz.
  12. It's a bad look for wrestling in general. MMA/UFC is half WWE, the false bravado, the calling people out. Bo is brining that into his life. It may be a needed piece of his career, now, but it's not necessary in wrestling. And Starocci saying he's going to end Boroughs career... It's all moving to social media click bait.
  13. I wrestled for Simon Fraser University in their Hay Day when they had a number of world and Olympic medalist and won 2 NAIA titles in 5 years (they are division II now). For those of you who don't know, Simon Frasier is located in British Columbia, Canada and only wrestles freestyle. When they enter the college season they give collegiate wrestling a try. One time I wrestled a club teammate at a college open who was not used to collegiate. After the match was over and I won by two stingy points, he walked up to our coach and said "he was stalling." Our coach replied, "it's college wrestling."
  14. You're reading to much into it. Just making my observation. I'm a fan of good wrestling. I don't have a specific team I root for or against. But it's not hard to see how the brands intensity leads the way.
  15. If you watch the Spence & Austin Flo film it is easy to see Tom and Terry are the same as they've always been, overly intense, over the top , still on the path of pushing guys beyond... They don't appear to be capable of changing to the new generational needs. Gable's way in the 80s and 90s probably wouldn't work today. Maybe he would be able to switch gears, but the same old Gable Iowa style is not what today's wrestlers are drawn to.
  16. I will reiterate what I think the main point is, as a couple people have mentioned. He may have hit the ceiling no matter who was coaching. He may not be the athlete that can take it to the next level. He was at an extremely high level coming in. If you look at his body type compared to the body types of many of the athletes who are doing more, he is short and stocky with short limbs. Even look at his coach, JS has long limber limbs. Today's wrestlers are much different than they used to be. They're much more flexible and many of them have long lanky arms and legs. Fix may not be suitable to move consistently into the top 1%.
  17. Yes, the push out rule has been a big improvement.
  18. College wrestling knows it's boring. They made big scoring changes for that reason. Could they do more, yes. Funny the push out is being brought up. I remember when that was first implemented In freestyle and many people complained about it.
  19. JB and DC are doing what they are suppose to do... Getting people talking, creating clicks. This is a a social medial run society and ESPN is not above it. The banter, the lack of actual analysis is what the younger generations are attracted to. The NBA and NFL broadcasts and news shows are filled with retired players running their mouths. Ever watch Amazon Prime TNF? Half of news reporting these days is banter and fluff that is off topic and full of typos and errors.
  20. You are right that the guys do well with FRL and lots of people like the off track banter. Look at the most successful podcasts and that's what they do. One of the most successful is Smartless and that is exactly why they do... They are making 100s of millions with off track banter.
  21. Moot or not... Short or long choke normally use the opposite hand to creat the pressure with the arm that is across the throat and the hand that is on the shoulder is no longer in the shoulder.
  22. Being a leg rider (and leg riding coach) it is easy to tell that the OP and many commenting against Nagao's use of arm across the throat don't understand leg riding. While I didn't apply this move while using legs or teach it, I understand it. It's fine, unless you apply it like Fix. Although the Fix pic earlier in the thread is more pressure on the lower back since it requires fix to pull up under the chin. Try to choke someone with your hand on the shoulder. Your elbow actually goes away from the throat. I actually think that move is much less effective than many others he could do instead. And it's much less danders.than many used to turn that put joints in danger.
  23. Part of the issue is the changing psyche of the new generation wrestler. It's happening in high school rooms and high School classrooms and college rooms and college classrooms. If coaches don't change, if teachers don't change, the way they approached the new generation it will be much harder to get them to perform. I have been in the classroom for over 20 years and in the wrestling room for over 20 years and I wrestled myself for almost 20 years. Kids are different. Teachers, coaches, mentors need to change how they work with their students/athletes if they want to get the best out of them. That's why NIL is a thing and that's why many college football coaches have fled to the NFL.
  24. The thing that many people are missing is that it is a muted message. He is giving you a punchline but that's not the biggest part of the message. without the biggest part of the message The end is meaningless. If an extremely rare counter athletes jumps out of the mat with little work epic wins an NCAA title and then says, it doesn't mean anything you can't take it with you. The message is lost. The message is it's about the process. His process is working in suffering for the Lord. And many other people's process, is working except for the outcome. And, he did give the ant-Miuslim speech last year, thus there is a hangover. He also has a way of delivering his so-called message with a bit too much piety, a better than thou tone, a this is the way it is and your opinion doesn't matter. As he was answering questions last night, he was brushing her off as if she didn't matter, as if her questions didn't matter, as if talking to the people who support him doesn't matter. It's in his delivery as much as his message for those who don't like his message. I get his message. I don't mind his message. I don't like his delivery. I sure do like watching him wrestle though.
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