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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. Legit question regardless of whether it was a TD or not. Does the NCAA and B10 require that you have video replay available?
  2. Sometimes I feel the same about posters.... They were really off their posting game,..must not be feeling well today? That's just a drunk post. Did they just agree with what they arguing against for 36 pages? Did they even wrestle? Yep, they voted for Biden. It's okay if they never pay up on bets and write senseless never ending posts, we need them.
  3. Yep....there are three comparisons going on.... He was better last year than he was the previous year at Stanford.... one loss runner-up vs 4 loss 6th place finish in a bracket where he got a good draw against McGonagle, Filius and Composto... then lost 3 straight. Easy to see he improved. He was better last year than he has been this year.... not hard to figure that one out as of right now. Could he still be national champ - absolutely. Will his season as whole be a regression from last year? Not sure - we have to wait and see how it plays out at the Big10 and the NCAA. That's why I asked the question earlier that if he were to sweep through the Big 10 and NCAA would it be a regression? I think the jury is out on this one. He was better two years ago at Stanford than he is now... people forget that he majored Wilits 2x his second year, then got pinned by him twice and finished below him at the NCAA. He lost 4 matches that year. It's hard to say that because he lost two this year that he has regressed. I think the season has to play out to come to that conclusion. I think you can take any 1 match or even 1-2 week stretch and make comparisons that are not accurate.
  4. No... but it certainly doesn't paint a picture that he was so much greater at Stanford than he is this year in comparison.
  5. Remember when he got stuck by Willits when he was at Stanford his last year.... and the year before that?
  6. First couple matches could be very competitive.
  7. No joke.. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing ....that's what the question is for.... thank you for answering. I don't think that regression or progression can be contained to one result necessarily. There are a lot of factors that come into play.
  8. Nice work! Thursday.... A couple duals for most teams from Feb 15-29 so a little movement for the last one.
  9. I'm no Iowa fan....but from Stanford to Iowa last year Woods improved. He went from NQ and 6th at Stanford to going undefeated and losing in the finals last year to Allirez. Last year he had a lot of good top 10 wins, even destroying Hardy in the semis. To say he didn't improve from Stanford to last year is inaccurate. This year is a different story. He has definitely regressed at this point in the season as compared to last year. The only way he could have not regressed from last year was to be an undefeated NCAA champ. I don't think he will, but If he runs his way through the B10 tournament and NCAA to win it, did he still regress?
  10. Penn State wins the first 5 matches by the same score - 6-5.
  11. At this point I feel we all just need to copy and paste our ancestory.com profile.
  12. Curious to hear from Iowa fans about this... If the Brands brothers were coaching at a different school, would they have been/would be as successful as they have been at Iowa? I'm not one to go out and fire them tomorrow....but is their "Iowa Style" going back decades now transferrable to other programs or is Iowa their own thing? To me, and I am an outsider looking in, it seems that when that time comes for a new staff, it might necessitate a new philosophy and identity.... or is that even possible. Lots to digest there.
  13. I believe we should have a new ranking and the RPI come out this week - Anyone have the actual date on that?
  14. Idaho


    He only has 3 matches so he can still keep the redshirt - correct? If so, how many points will he realistically score at the NCAA to help Iowa? Is that number worth pulling the redshirt?
  15. The battle for second seems to look a lot like the battle at 125.
  16. In my humble tater farm opinion.... I think we have seen guys who were not huge recruits coming out of high school get to the R12 low AA level...which is certainly improvement. What we don't see are great recruits or transfers take it to the next level of being an AA to being a national champ.
  17. This thread is only appropriate ..... good work.
  18. Idaho


    Running this back...
  19. I will talk to the governor. In the meantime, you know you think of us every time you get that stuffed baked potato at Texas Roadhouse. In your head.
  20. They should team up DeSanto and RBY to call this dual next year.
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